
joined 2 years ago
[–] chucker 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Regarding replying to comments: I just swipe from the right. I’m not sure how else it can be done.

[–] chucker 1 points 2 years ago

Take a look at any third world country, the roads there are dangerous af.

[–] chucker 3 points 2 years ago

Have you ever used git bisect?

Yup. A few times a year.

If so, how did you use it? Did it help you find a problem which would otherwise be difficult to find?

It helps me track down regressions, as in “this used to work, didn’t it?” or worse “haven’t I fixed this before?”.

I start a bisect, pick something relatively old, check if it works there, rinse, repeat.

[–] chucker 1 points 2 years ago

I really feel ENT messed this up. Yes, it was a nice three(?)-parter, and a clever explanation. But it shouldn’t have happened. The DS9 ep lampshaded the thing; time to move on.

We also don’t have “hey, why did the ships and planets used to look like cardboard and styrofoam” plot arcs. “Budget and tech weren’t there” doesn’t need an in-universe fake explanation.

[–] chucker 1 points 2 years ago

You mean Enterprise.

[–] chucker 1 points 2 years ago

Wenn ich dich lesen kann, müssen wir föderiert sein, oder?

Ich hatte glaube ich von Feddit aus geschaut und Bremen nicht gefunden.

Ist beehaw irgendwie „böse“?

Ich hoffe nicht. Es gibt aber wohl große Lemmy-Instanzen, deren Admins politisch fragwürdige Ansichten haben.

Was schön wäre, und vielleicht geht, wäre, wenn man die Bremen Communities miteinander verbinden könnte.

Man könnte einen Cross-Post-Bot machen, aber ob das so eine gute Idee ist… :-)

[–] chucker 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Hm, kann es sein, dass mit föderiert, aber nicht?