Does this also work in a collaborative way, for example two people editing the same note? I would guess that file locking could be an issue.
joined 1 year ago
Kommt tatsächlich auf die Instanz an und ist einer der Gründe warum bis auf weiteres und shitjustworks deföderalisiert hat.
Some of my colleagues swear by logseq, but I personally haven't used it. If the upcoming sync feature would be available to self-host, I might consider switching to it, as it would combine multiple services that we are currently using.
Unbleached, but mainly due to growing up with it. There is definitely a difference in taste. It's also, at least here in Germany, available at practically any store, whereas bleached filters are only available at bigger stores.
On Jerboa(List View) the link is on the thumbail, maybe it's the same in the browser version. Keep in mind that the article on heise is in german.