Je connaissais pas le personnage du coup je suis allé voir la première vidéo Mindliar.
Glauque. Le mensonge sur sa carrière c'est une chose mais la partie sur son association de victime et les bouquins de charognard qu'il a publié, c'est dégueulasse.
I've played Tales of Monkey Island. If you've played Telltale's version of Sam and Max, it's pretty much the same kind of take. Probably suffers quite a bit from the episodic format, and puzzles are a bit straightforward compared to classic monkey island games. Fans of the series mostly consider it a huge letdown.
Can't say anything about the more serious parts of the Telltale catalogue, I've never played those, but for having played this, the 3 Sam & Max seasons and Back to the Future, there was certainly a Telltale formula that started annoying me after a while. They went less and less subtle about crafting their dialogues so they all lead to the same answer, they clearly wrote their stories with an objective to reuse character models and assets, and they still used that in-house engine that looked and controlled terribly, barely improved through the years.