Pimp ma botte par Marc Daigle; we watched it back in grade 9 French class and it's always stuck with me.
Thanks 😊
I haven't commented on anything in quite a long time, but I've been checking in now and then and I just wanted to say that wherever Beehaw goes, I'll be following. Really immature behaviour from the Lemmy devs.
Beehawwww 🥹 it's so cute!
... huh?
Non-universal experience, but I'm a zoomer (24) and I'm basically my family's IT department, my apparent specialty being the wrangling of our unruly printer-scanner. My millennial older brother (who will be 28 this summer) never even thinks to ask google basic troubleshooting stuff when he has a problem. I think it's less about generation and more about individual inclination to read instructions and look through settings menus, that sort of thing.
Five years, eh? Maybe I’ll make some room and re-install/re-mod Skyrim at some point in the summer. Haven’t touched it in, like, two years, but I’ve been kinda missing it. Or maybe I could try ESO again.
Reddit is deddit.
Aww, I love Lilly! I don't have a cat, but I have crocheted while cat-sitting and oooo buddy were those kitties ever eyeballing my yarn. I let them play with a couple small scrap balls of cotton yarn.
I'm knitting a sweater! Taking my time with it, trying to get away from throwing myself at huge projects like I tend to do when I crochet.
Here's their about page. I just kinda skimmed it. Seems to be open to any francophone in the province, as well as newcomers who either speak French or speak neither French nor English and exchange students who speak French.
I would say that it's because of the grand dérangement that the term acadien is used in the name, so that those who are still here have the right to education in French, not that one necessarily has to be Acadian to go to a CSAP school. There's also Mi'kmaq immersion in at least some of the schools on reservations, and I believe there's a Gaelic immersion school somewhere in Cape Breton. Pretty neat that there's this push for language/cultural reclamation.
Both are fabulous books! Can't recommend them enough to anyone looking for some good cozy fantasy.