Is it just me, or is this an image instead of a gif?
Thanks for your work! Server migrations are allways stressfull.
My given regex archives exactly this :P you can test it with an online regex tester. I dont know if the bot supports this kind of regex.
You could ofc also enforcy only one or max 3 char's between the [ ] and force it to be at the start
Maye negating regex work? Something like
(Everything without a [ followed by any character at least one time followed by ] )
I am gona ask it: where are his balls?
Some beautifull ropemarks ;)
Nah, need to be rope ;) cuffs work somewhat but serve a diffrent purpose.
The rope looks so tidy, love it!
For preference, nah, as long as it works or looksngood ;)
My AI crap finger wobble senses are tingeling.
Using the apps Eternity or Thunder.