One rule I think might be a good idea is that mods aren't allowed to moderate their own posts/comment chains. Not that it's really been an issue on 196 in the past afaik, but there are some communities where the mods will get into an argument with another user and then remove comments for incivility or a similar rule which obviously has massive potential for abuse. Assuming there are enough mods where it's not an issue to do so (which seems very likely based on the number of people interested in moderating) preventing situations like that entirely seems beneficial.
This is awesome, I love random little trinkets like this. Are you planning on mounting it (idk if that's the right term lol) to some kind of jewlery or just keeping it as a figurine?
Honestly if this gets all the people who have problems respecting "weird" pronouns/gender identities to leave for .world it'll probably be a net positive for 196 and as a whole.
Sure, whatever you say. He might not technically be exonerated, but he might as well be. You had 4 fucking years to actually do something about Trump, but this is the system working as intended. The US keeps drifting further and further right with power further consolidating in the hands of billionaires and corporations, while the Democrats sit on their asses and act like they're completely helpless to do anything meaningful to actually help ordinary people while in power. Then when they lose elections they get to blame minorities or leftists and use it as an excuse to drift further right.
Are you trying to remove it from a photo or a video? For me at least it seems like it shows up on images but not videos.
I definitely will, just need to wait for 786 to have some of the colors I'd need back in stock (or finding another brand to buy from would also work lol). I just like that they're vegan/cruelty free and also have a shop I can order directly from rather than going through amazon.