Why are there so many that lay flat with prongs up????
I'm still using one with a jack (Asus ROG 5)
US. Looking for a remote position mostly, though, so it shouldn't matter too much.
LinkedIn and Indeed mostly. I also use Dice, ZIPrecruiter, and Glassdoor sparingly.
Sadly I've also been out of a job since January of last year. I can't seem to even get interviews now that I'm a year out. Job market is real tough.
Damn right after League adds Vanguard. Kernal level anti-cheat can still be beaten by this monitor. Riot devs seem to always be losing the arms race.
Check this reddit comment for more info straight from a Rioter: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18zebss/comment/kgi2i6j/
Valve didn't do shit, what an awful title. These are user generated tags.
I've played since S2 and am currently Emerald on my main (top lane). I agree that S13 didn't feel super great but we have the item rework (the undo lol) and the map changes so I'm hyped currently. Hopefully it shakes out well.
I kept my phone number from a different state so everyone that calls from that area code can be ignored. I also have AT&T's ActiveArmor app (free) and it blocks most of them. I used to get 2-4 a day but I'm down to 1ish a week now.
Answering vs not answering didn't really ever make a difference for me, but I've heard lots of things like don't answer and they'll think the line isn't real or answer but play the do Do DO sound effect or answer but leave it silent. Not sure if any will help.
Map changes yesssssss
I went down a huge rabbit hole cause of this. I personally like °F over °C but agree it's arbitrary. So I tried to make a scale that started at the coldest air temp on earth (some day in Antarctica) and went to the hottest day on earth (some day in death valley) and put the coldest day at 0°A and the hottest at 100°A.
Sadly this made a scale that was less precise than I'd like. I like that I can feel the difference between 73°F and 74°F and don't want to have to use decimals.
So maybe the end points could be only places where people actually live. Well it looks like some people live in Russia around -70°C and some people live in northern Africa around 50°C so if you just take °C and add 60 you can get a -10 to 110 scale where most temps would fall between 0 and 100. Still has the unit difference of °C (which I don't like) but I like that most temps are between 0 and 100. I also don't really like negative temperature since it seems wonky.
To "fix" the unit scale you could just multiply everything by 2 so the difference between each full degree is half as much. So temps would be between -20 and 220. °A = 2(°C + 60) °A = 2(°C) + 120
And it turns out I (basically) created the Fahrenheit scale but moved. °F= 1.8(°C) + 32
TL;DR: I'm stupid and this was fun but also a waste of time lol