We taking bets on whether or not it was done by a rival police gang? LASD is well known for their gang activity
I like to tell people "wow, he never does that" even when he totally does that with everyone. It makes people happy
Cocainecoonie movie when?
The week has been crazy and I got no physical games played, only BGA or mobile/tablet versions of games
There's no good way to get all the sunlight off of them. Once a squirrel is exposed to sunlight, it will inevitably die
I don't know if you're on BoardgameArena, but Targi available to play there without a paid membership
Finishing up Troubles in Otari and we'll transition over to Agents of Edgewatch from there. I've been trying to set it up by mentioning the big event in Absalom and I'll have Vandy recommend the PCs to a friend who is looking for new recruits.
a turd is the heaviest thing in the world; not even an elephant can hold one for very long
I always over plan things. I'll plan encounters appropriate to level. I'll plan NPCs. I'll plan dungeon themes. But I won't plan a dungeon themed encounter unless I know they're heading into that dungeon because it's where we ended the last session.
To put it another way: I never plan so specifically that a thing can't be moved to another place unless I'm positive it's coming next.