
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Ik heb juist het tegenovergestelde bij DeepL. Naar mijn gevoel zijn de vertalingen juist stukken beter: ze zijn minder letterlijk, maar de betekenis van zinnen wordt veel beter overgebracht, zoals een native speaker zou doen. Losse woorden wilt hij soms echter niet vertalen, maar daar kan ik sowieso beter een woordenboek voor raadplegen.

Hoe beviel de overstap naar Linux? Ik wil al een tijdje overstappen naar Linux Mint op mijn werk/studielaptop, maar hij doet het eigenlijk te goed om me dat laatste duwtje te geven.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Oh that's really neat, I didn't know that, thanks

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I fell in love with (Google Maps alternative) It's a wonderful replacement for Google Maps when you're out walking or hiking.

I've had so many times that I trusted Mapy by walking down a path or alley that looked abandoned and/or prohibited, only to arrive at wonderful hidden places on the trail or in the city, free of any other traveller/tourist. Never got shivved either!

Every walkable path is on Mapy, hardened or not. And if it's worth the trouble you'll see the trail colours/codes next to the path so you don't have to do any planning before walking. The app also let's you track your route so you can see where you've been walking, how fast, how long, etc. And you can also download offline maps. The only thing I feel is flawed, is their navigation, which I prefer not to use.

I also love DeepL for translation, but there was a recent post about it, so I won't mention it further.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

If you need a specific language that's only on Google Translate you could try Lingva, it's an alternative frontend for Google Translate that supposedly should have less tracking and gives the same results.

You could also try translating trough an AI like Mistral to see what it will come up with. In my experience the translations in Google Translate are quite bad, especially for the smaller regional languages so AI might actually be better in that regard.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Startpage gives very good results, I recall reading somewhere that they use search results from Google, but I honestly don't know. I use it over Ecosia because it has slightly better results and is more privacy focused. Plus I never click any adverts, so Ecosia wouldn't generate an awful lot of trees from my usage haha.

I also used Qwant, but the search results weren't great for more complex search queries.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Conserning the Netherlands: the Efteling is great, it's themed on European fairy tales! It's a very nice park for all ages.

Another nice, yet smaller park for the Netherlands is Toverland.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

Ik doe het soms thuis omdat mensen dan net iets beter zijn te verstaan. Soms heb je mensen aan de lijn waarvan het lijkt alsof ze in een orkaan staan te bellen, of bij een straalmotor, of ergens waar anno 2024 nog steeds geen mobiele verbinding is. Als ik ze dan iets harder kan horen, dan kan dat net het verschil maken.