This is from August 2
Dumb question but your comment got this into my head: in your response, since it's mostly English and LTR, are the Arabic words in your response read right to left?
I'm all for this too. The Western landlocked states would be screwed not having access to the Pacific ports as well.
Hilariously, the data don't back them up, my wife does research on this very topic for a company. The dollar signs do though, they have to justify the property expenditures.
Silly Liberal church in Kentucky had a woman pastor for over 30 years. What were they thinking in this day and age?
It's going to be hard for a while, users are going to have to start new communities (or go back to reddit in 2 days) !timbers doesn't seem to exist yet, but anyone can make one!
Parking lot designer. Get hired to design a lot for some kind of business or entity (park, etc) and see how it plays out. Drive thrus, parking garages, stadium events, apartment lots, etc. Basically a city simulator focused on parking.