
joined 1 year ago

The Good Place is overall pretty positive. Same with Parks and Recreation as well as Abbot Elementary.

The idea of biological immortality terrifies me. Like other commenters have said, the risk of power being further entrenched in the rich is basically an inevitability. Biological immortality under capitalism is pretty much a guarantee of immortal god-oligarchs that will control a bigger portion of resources and power than they do now.

Also it removes death as an unbeatable end. What if there were still robber barons from the early 1900s alive today? We'd be worse off politically than we already are. Death is an integral part in the march of progress.

From a personal standpoint, I'm not super jazzed about living past my 80s even if I didn't age and was in perfect health. If biological immortality comes to be I'll still punch out around 90 at the latest and update my will to prevent my consciousness from being uploaded to San Junipero.

The sweet abyss of oblivion worked for me from the beginning of the universe until my birthday, it'll work fine again when I get back to it.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I was going to read the article to make a joke about how cat's noses function better than high tech equipment as well as being far more boopable, the the article was awesome.

It's exciting to think of how this can help lead to more compact designs for instruments. They went into the differences between mammalian and reptilian olfactory senses but didn't mention humans. I'd assume ours is similar but not as good as cats? Is the mechanism the same but evolutionarily we moved towards more cranial capacity than olfactory ability?

Great find, great post.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You would rob yourself of the glory of living as interstellar bread? Being baked to a golden brown by cosmic radiation while aimlessly shooting across the void infinite?

Join me, our bodies no longer bounded by our form. We expand, yeast eating sugar, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. We intermingle, no longer you, no longer me. Just intimately bread, endlessly bread.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I would be for removing AA of they removed LA as well. Because they didn't, their motivation is clear. If we agree that both are wrong then removing only one shows that they're ok with the other.

I've got a niche recommendation, Brothers, a Tale of Two Sons. It's from about 8 years ago so it's pretty cheep. You'll need a controller, each stick controls one of the brothers. It's light puzzle solving with a great story. Really tugs on the heart strings. A controller vibration brought me to tears near the end, you'll know it when you get there. Total game time is like 4 hours, in and out, bing bang boom.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

As a white, I think whites should be ground into bread. They should be shot into space as bread where they can expand to fit the container they're placed in while in microgravity. This isn't hypocrisy, it's cosmic baking. Get in the rocket with me, brother.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

This would be a good point if it weren't for all of the systemic racism that tilts the scales towards white people from before the birth of the country into the present day.

Slavery, Jim Crow, chain gangs, loitering laws, segregation, redlining, political violence, lynching, the war on drugs, the school to prison pipeline, school districts funded by local property taxes, longer criminal sentences for black people, school voucher programs, outlawing the teaching of black history.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Removing legacy admissions would help a lot. I've seen people arguing that admissions are a zero sub game. If someone gets in because of AA then someone else didn't get in. Ending legacy admissions would free up a much larger portion of admissions for a more diverse student body to get in, instead of some rich person's dumbass kid.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

They just removed affirmative action which hurts underserved minorities. They didn't touch legacy admissions which benefits rich white people. What they're doing is transparently racist. If they wanted a meritocracy why not bar legacy admissions as well?

True, the Aussies have been making a good show of it.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Stockton Rush is a killer and should be charged posthumously with four counts of negligent homicide. He's just as culpable, if not more, that someone who gets behind the wheel drink and kills their passengers.


I really like novels without faster than light travel, so slower than light (STL) sci-fi. Books like The Expanse, Children of Time, Diaspora.

I've read Alastair Reynolds and it wasn't my thing, it felt like fantasy with a sci-fi skin. Also, I'm not a fan of STL with FTL communications like Ansible (Le Guin is dope though). That cuts out Ender's Game and Bobiverse. Any recommendations?

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