Dual Crew Introtune by Tomas Danko
./Danko_Tomas/Dual_Crew_Introtune.sid Title: Dual Crew Introtune Author: Tomas Danko #C64 #chiptune
Winter Olympiad 88 by W.Beben, S.Barrett & A.Gilmore
./Beben_Wally/Winter_Olympiad_88.sid?#1 Title: Winter Olympiad 88 Author: W.Beben, S.Barrett & A.Gilmore #C64 #chiptune
Megazine 2 (tune 5) by Roy Johan Widding (Crockett)
./Widding_Roy_Johan/Megazine_2_tune_5.sid Title: Megazine 2 (tune 5) Author: Roy Johan Widding (Crockett) #C64 #chiptune
Moebius by Joe Garrett
./M-R/Moebius_1987.sid Title: Moebius Author: Joe Garrett #C64 #chiptune
The Machine by <?>
./M-R/Machine.sid Title: The Machine Author: <?> #C64 #chiptune
Skyhigh Stuntman by Lyndon Sharp <?>
./Sharp_Lyndon/Skyhigh_Stuntman.sid Title: Skyhigh Stuntman Author: Lyndon Sharp <?> #C64 #chiptune
Amyloid by Marcel Donné (Mad)
./Mad_Donne_Marcel/Amyloid.sid?#1 Title: Amyloid Author: Marcel Donné (Mad) #C64 #chiptune
The Neverending Story II by Michael Tschögl
./M-R/Neverending_Story_II.sid?#1 Title: The Neverending Story II Author: Michael Tschögl #C64 #chiptune
Rocket Smash by Saul Cross
./Cross_Saul/Rocket_Smash.sid?#1 Title: Rocket Smash Author: Saul Cross #C64 #chiptune
Spelpappan by Tomas Danko
./Danko_Tomas/Spelpappan.sid Title: Spelpappan Author: Tomas Danko #C64 #chiptune
Laurel & Hardy by <?>
./G-L/Laurel_and_Hardy.sid Title: Laurel & Hardy Author: <?> #C64 #chiptune
Turbo Outrun by Jeroen Tel
./Tel_Jeroen/Turbo_Outrun.sid?#1 Title: Turbo Outrun Author: Jeroen Tel #C64 #chiptune