One of the most infamous experiments is submerging the tooth in cola, to show the importance of brushing. In primary school, it was done on white eggs though, but using a tooth would be more authentic. Ironically, while the tooth should completely rot in cola, the liquid is perfect for washing household things (the sink or a toilet bowl for example).
Weirdly enough, that's kind of how I found out I had tinnitus. I had my headphones on and got bothered with the high pitch static sound, but when I went to unplug it, I found it wasn't even connected to any device.
One of the apps is Luma for example. It claims it supports 3D scanning on iPhone 11 or newer devices, but doesn't mention that SE 2 is an exception.
I know that SE2 is a budget device, but I guess I naively thought that it having an iPhone 11 chip and the newest OS could be enough.
Kuna tegemist on enam-jaolt täis puitkonstruktsioon hoonega, siis huvitav oleks näha, kuidas nad seda inseneride ning nõuete ees läbi suruvad. Kuigi mujal maailmas seda hakatakse vaikselt harrastama, siis meil puuduvad veel korralikud nõuded täispuit ehitistel. Teine suur murekoht on roheline katus, koos põõsaste/ puudega, mida arhitektuuri visualiseerimistes armastatakse, kuid peaaegu kunagi ei teostata. Taimkate vajab kuskil vähemalt 1m paksust mullakihti ning põõsad ja puud juba rohkem kui 3m, mis võtab liiga palju väärtuslikku ruumi ära, rääkimata taimede ning niiske mulla raskusest.
I still am grumpy about Microsoft killing their windows phone line. Not the regular ones, but rather the ones that allowed you to dock it to a display and use a slightly stripped down Windows OS on a full screen. It could've actually changed how we use phones/ computers, but instead we have to have a separate device for everything we do.
Phones are already powerful enough to run desktop apps, but I guess it's down to profits why we still don't have a "swiss army knife" of a device for everything.