NASA people were using Davmail because MS Exchange was locked down to not permit SMTP
I have a setup where Wireguard docker container that is connected to my local network and if I use any other container to get local access I use `network_mode: service:wireguard-container` for that remote container have the same access as my VPN container.
This has pros and cons. Major pro that the host machine has no access to my network, so it works as regular server. Cons are that if I want to expose say a web panel for one of my local services I have to apply proxy settings to the VPN container and if you use a multiple copies of the same container that does not allow to change default port... you get collisions.
Yah ZT apps SUCK. I do not know why it takes them soo long to fix anything on there.
ZT has the benefit of maintaining P2P connection if controller goes down, but for mobile tailscale probably offers better experience. Also look into cloudflare's zerotrust offerings.
I did some online shopping and my experience is 50/50.
50 % of goods I was looking for were at their normal price with discount sticker slapped onto it and 50% had actual meaningful discounts.
Since I was buying the discounted stuff I added a few things that I knew I will need but was in no rush to try and bundle some shopping costs.
Cost. But I do not agree with 'Whi would i pay for a service when i could host it myself for free?'
It is not 'free' it is cheaper. Today I got a quote from utilities company saying that api access to how much heat I use is 20 EUR/month a software defined radio recover is 20-40 USD + shipping. To do a full setup and research it takes about half of day some exiting HW and electricity but even summing all of that up. It is cheaper and utils company has already lied to me at least twice this year, so... their stacking motivation for me to independetly monitor the metering.
It is cool that it exists but in EU we use qualified electronic signatures eIDAS that has cryptographic identification verification and national governments provides ability to sign documents using that protocol.
Signing pieces of paper is still a thing but emulating it digitally looks a little strange to me.
This is cute but I have to be honest I prefer using VS code with SSH and docker plugins for managing compose files.
6 hours ago I was sleeping :D
It will 'smartly' delete footage if it fills storage, so if that is what your are looking you can test 9999 days and it should just delete oldest. However, I do not recommend filing storage device up to 100%. It is longevity thing.
Frigate gives you a lot of fine tune control on the detection, so with aggressive filtering you could have very limited object detection (for cases when somebody very close to it i.e. trying to peal of the camera).
I would also suggest enabling audio detection if you cameras have mics in them. Audio detection needs a negligible amounts of processing. Fire alarm audio detection should be on by default. You can add things like breaking glass as extra triggers.
Not enabling detection should work for you but to retain video records you would have to setup config globally or for individual cams:
enabled: true
days: 10
mode: all
I would run both or if your cameras can not handle doubling streams just setup a demo in parallels on one of the cams, so you can test it.
I also find very useful for longer term performance tuning.
I got hooked by Youtube videos from TechnoTim Christian Lempa and others. Videos include screen capture what they are doing so it bridges some things that may be missing from text guide because it may be 'obvious' if you are doing it all the time.
I keep to principal that I have two 'sections' in my lab 'production' and 'testing' Testing I am mucking about testing stuff it works and production has some stuff that I rely on.
I had a chat with only ISP that was willing to consider pulling cable to the consultant gave me "3.6k for fiber+ 50 EUR/month and I am saying that only because 3.6k is the cap... Engineers may look at this and say NOPE" also I do not need fiber they just made it clear that if I do not buy pricy plan they will not even consider doing anything.