
joined 2 months ago

If you aren't familiar with people addicted to Tiktok, this is a fascinating and terrifying glimpse into how it operates.

It is the evolution into the adult world of the toy-opening videos for toddlers that give them stimulation, which they then start to crave to the exclusion of all the world's real stimulus.

[–] 25 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I think that over the next few years Sam Altman is going to learn the same lessons that events have been trying to teach Elon Musk since circa 2021.

  1. You didn't build that. The people that work for you did.
  2. Being a big hero is contingent on you and your behavior, and can change.
  3. Those people who are giving you all this money aren't your comrades. When your usefulness is at its end, they won't give you a second thought.
[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I edited it to add it.