
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

The cops can remove you from residing in a place that isn't legally residential.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I agree with your limited-set:

TheRegister & Ars Technica are the 2 that give the highest quality overview,

and yeah, Phoronix is kinda required for Linux news,

and .. how the hell could churning more be somehow increasing one's productivity??

Stephen R. Covey's truth about..

  • the bigger one's Circle of Concern..
  • the smaller one's Circle of Influence..

one must Focus, or one is just mindlessly dissipating one's finite strength.

Limit one's inputs, to quality overview points, and know which other-sites to hit, for specific digging-down into some specialty,

( Leonard Susskind's lectures, on yt, e.g. for mental exercise: his "Time As A Fractal Flow" one is awesome, when the lightbulb goes on, at the end )

and then you win most.

Never let sand into your gears, in other words, eh?

Keeping all the "misc sand" out from one's "gears" makes one more productive.

Oh, also for the semiconductor foundry industry news, if Demerjian's still updating that ( he's scooped the industry toooo many times to let that one escape being important! )

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[–] 2 points 7 months ago

You, and everybody interested in this who wants real integrity in their leverage to argue this stuff, need to get Hofstadter's remapping of gender-terms from Mr vs Miss & Mrs to ..

.. IF you are white, THEN there is 1 pronoun for you, ..

.. ELSIF you are black, THEN your pronoun is dependent on whether you're employed or not

written by Douglas Hofstadter ( author of "Godel Escher Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid", the keystone to competent philosophy ), for Scientific American magazine, decades ago.

It may be in the "Metamagical Themas" book.

It was mentioned in the 1990's in the Feminism FAQ as being trailblazing, because it caused what we were unconscious-of to GET in our faces, violating our habits, so we could actually perceive just how prejudiced it is.

searching .. This may be it..

I only glanced at it, it's too jarring for me ( I'd rather that I could just live in solitary isolation for the entire rest of my life: humanity's abuse ), but it may help crystalize the ability to articulate just how stilted this all is.

I completely agree that "Mr." and "Miss", "Mrs.", "Mz" all are gender-identifying, and as-such ought be considered illegal under their law.

But exactly as the convict/felon/inmate Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph identiied, a couple of millenia ago, legalists insist on the letter-of-the-law, while ignoring whatever law's inconvenient to their artifice.

Legalists haven't changed since benJoseph called them "Hypocrites!".

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[–] 15 points 7 months ago

If it's changing, you might want to get a brain-scan, immediately.

No, it isn't normal ( not for me, anyhow ), to the guy who said it is normal.

It's not an ear thing, it is an auditory-processing thing, so it's your brain that's doing it.

The question is why it is doing it.

Perhaps it's just fuzzy wiring, as most such cases likely are.

( synaesthesia is a case of weird wiring, and I've got that, but not in the normal way, not senses blurring into each-other, but rather my non-visual cognition being a kind of "blur" to those senses, so they mesh oddly )

But if it begins changing in either intensity or character, get a scan.

( I'm a braindamage survivor, and it takes decades to adapt to braindamage: prevention/avoidance is better than hating one's life for decades, while being bullied by all who reject that it could still validly be a problem, and hold that one ought either force oneself into being an "acceptable" drugged psychiatric-zombie, and not "pretend" to be getting better, or one ought be able to be acceptable-pretence, just like Valid People(TM) are. )

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[–] 5 points 8 months ago

Spend a half-month considering, deeply, which path you would most-value having taken at the end of your life.

Due to an unconscious psychological-limitation, imagine your funeral at 1.5x your current age ( we apparently have a kind of "horizon" in our ability to understand our meaning beyond that ),

and imagine each significant variant, or compromise, and see how each makes you, in that future-condition/context feel.

Your answer is within you, same as for everyone.

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[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Youtube deletes fact-checking comments.

Youtube deletes comments that link to Nature papers.

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[–] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)


and not just privilege's gaslighting about it ( via making-certain that the poorest have inferior-nutrition, inferior-air-quality, worse-pollution, inferior-education, inferior-healthcare, etc ),

then yes, I hold it is The Proper Way.

However, it REQUIRES a truly-level playing-field, and not a 2-tiered "level" playing-field.

The Scandinavian system of ONLY public-schooling, so there is only 1 tier of education-quality, is a required component.

Student nutrition needs to be guaranteed.

Healthcare needs to work properly, for all.

Livingwage needs to be for all full-time work, and companies that try to hire only part-time for the real-work, have to have the profit-benefit of such hamstringing-of-many-lives cut from them all, permanently.

Fairness requries careful systematic, & openly-honest enforcement, because the DarkHexad: narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ALWAYS seeks to enforce abusive-exploitation, and it is underhandedly aggressive, and natural in our human nature.

Not mitigating it == accommodating it.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

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[–] 9 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Fish, arthropods, etc, had eggs millions of years before chickens.

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[–] 2 points 8 months ago

IF you want Steam, THEN please consider every variant in the official Ubuntu family.

Steam-support told me in their system, iirc in early 2023, that they ONLY support the Ubuntu family ( directly ).

As Linus Torvalds noted, it isn't possible to release software that is going to work on all distros.

Even glibc has been broken by one, in that talk of his, and it wasn't a niche distro, either, iirc.

Pick which subset you CAN afford to support, and do not add to that subset until you're rolling in money, from your linux-customerbase.

( slight sarcasm on the last line, but business is business: destroying-resources costs, and if there is no benefit, it isn't sane to continue doing it. )

Decide which capabilities/functions/apps you NEED, and then don't even consider distros that break your required-set on you.

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[–] 19 points 8 months ago

If it works for you, stick with it.

Works is a feature, not a bug.

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[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

China doesn't want to rock the boat .. yet!

WHEN they've got the imbalance in-their-favor enough, they will gut & smash India: that is their plan.

Modi's relying on Russia, China's economic-vassal-state, for protection against China, hands India to China, strategically.

Make-believe never saved any country's life, nor will it, in the coming decade.

See it for what it is: now is only a "location in time", during the slippery-slope ( low steepness, after 1 or 2 more world-process Punctuations, the slope will be STEEP! ) time before global-TANTRUM/POGROM that #ClimatePunctuation, combined with political-tantrum, including "populist" dictatorships, combined with religious-tantrum, combined with food-web collapse, combined with an increasing-fraction-of-humankind becoming refugee...


The Great Filter's unfolding, but still in its Yin stage.

China doesn't want to rock the boat yet.

When opportunity is ripe, however, they are going to.

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