I really can't hold it back anymore.
Yep, the manager belanja mekdi when I was leaving the workshop. It was ayam 3x spicy, it went in better than it went out tbh
Siallah pagi² dah sakit perut
Good morning
Tekan² HR people takpe ke? Always have to follow up with them to get shit done.
I for one welcome our AI overlords
Exactly 3 years ago, it was my first time living away from family.
Tomorrow will be the first day of me working, hopefully what I've work on to is worth it.
Welp, I got into an accident. Car is still running but not road worthy. Tried to push through to the next RnR but I guess it was microsleep, not sure what I got spooked by but lost control and went into a longkang and back out.
Thankfully no one else is involved.
5 months ago, the alternator mounting wasn't fitted properly.
Happy Malaysia day everyone. What's the plan for today?