
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Honestly I think people are making it more complicated than it is. Like everyone tries to compare it to email, but guess what I don't know how email works either. And that's fine, I don't need to understand it. I type words, hit send, tech magic happens, and somebody reads more words. I'd say, just stop trying to explain the technical stuff behind lemmy.

I agree the servers with vetted sign-ups are a major hurdle. I tried behaw first, but I only gave it 15 minutes of waiting before trying to find a new server and now I'm here. I'd tell people to just go with specific open servers, create an account, and boom reddit replacement. The only other thing that needs explained is that some communities are on different servers, but that just means you hit "all" instead of "local" to search. Otherwise it's basically reddit.

My opinion is people need to stop trying to explain the fediverse in detail, nobody cares, nobody needs to know, it's just creating confusion. People don't know how any of their services work and don't care. Just tell them how to get setup in as painless a way as possible.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Very interesting, thank you for linking that. With Reddit imploding, I'd think one of the selling points of Lemmy/Kbin would be "Here, you don't have to worry about a rouge admin going nuts and nuking a server. You can just move your account (whatever that means, as you point out) to a new server." But the current answer is "If an admin nukes a server, you can just start a new account on a different server." Starting over is what we're already doing having left Reddit. I guess most people aren't as attached to their Reddit/Lemmy accounts like they are Twitter/Mastadon accounts where they build up individual followings. What do I know.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Got it, thank you!

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Thank you. Is that just a function of how Lemmy works? Does Kbin have the same limitation? Is this a feature that is technically possible but just not there yet? I personally don't have much attachment to accounts, but it just seems weird that the main element of the usual activity pub pitch it missing from Lemmy.

[–] 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

These were the two factors for me. I tried beehaw first, but after submitting my application and waiting an hour or so, I still couldn't get in. Whether or not the application is a good idea overall, it's a barrier to entry. With the blackout I finally decided to be a brave boy and try to figure out the fediverse, and after overcoming that major hurdle I'm met with a literal gatekeeper. I haven't bothered to check if I ultimately got in since I have am account here now.

So then I'm right back to the drawing board doing searches figuring out which other servers are stable, have decent policies, aren't run by sketchy folks, etc. It was a lot, but this servers reputation having run a mastodon server is what got me to come here.

I think a lot of people are like me and will get curious about lemmy and want to dive in one afternoon to see what it's about. They don't want to spend an afternoon researching like their setting up a smart home ecosystem. Then to be met with gatekeeping, your going to lose people. Maybe that's fine in the grand scheme of things.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Interesting example with The_Donald. "Of course, it would have been better for the internet if TheDonald had simply disbanded. But the fact that it continued once being booted off Reddit illustrates how little Reddit itself brought to the community — and how easily other, more reputable subreddits might build new homes elsewhere, so long as their users have the will."


When a platform’s user base is in revolt, it generally has two choices. The company can make concessions to users, walking back an unpopular change or offering some other consolation. Or it can keep calm and carry on, betting that the furor will subside after a few news cycles and allow the company to return to business as usual.

On Monday, I wrote about the revolt at Reddit, where plans to begin charging developers to use the company’s formerly free API is expected to crush the most popular third-party clients — and might also put moderation tools, accessibility-focused apps, and other enhancements to the network at risk. In response, moderators have made thousands of the site’s most popular forums private, essentially taking them offline. They have called on Reddit’s leaders to reverse the changes and ensure that third-party development of the network’s ecosystem can continue.

Today we got our most solid indication to date of how Reddit plans to handle this revolt — and CEO Steve Huffman is making it clear that the company does not intend to offer any concessions. He said as much in a memo to employees that leaked to Mia Sato and Jay Peters at The Verge.

Huffman told employees:

There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well. The most important things we can do right now are stay focused, adapt to challenges, and keep moving forward. We absolutely must ship what we said we would. The only long term solution is improving our product, and in the short term we have a few upcoming critical mod tool launches we need to nail.

Huffman is right that, in the end, the whole situation reflects a product problem: the native Reddit apps, both on desktop and on mobile, are ugly and difficult to use. (In particular, I find the nested comments under each post bizarrely difficult to expand or collapse; the tap targets for your fingers are microscopic.) Reddit didn’t really navigate the transition to mobile devices so much as it endured it; it’s little wonder that millions of the service’s power users have sought refuge in third-party apps with more modern designs.

On the whole, though, Huffman’s bet against the sustained energy of the Reddit community appears to have misfired.

Over the past day, the number of Reddits that have gone dark expanded from around 7,000 to more than 8,400. And in response to Huffman’s dismissive memo, moderators of hundreds of communities now say they will extend the blackout indefinitely beyond its planned two days.

Here’s Peters again at The Verge:

“Reddit has budged microscopically,” u/SpicyThunder335, a moderator for r/ModCoord, wrote in the post. They say that despite an announcement that access to a popular data-archiving tool for moderators would be restored, “our core concerns still aren’t satisfied, and these concessions came prior to the blackout start date; Reddit has been silent since it began.” SpicyThunder335 also bolded a line from a Monday memo from CEO Steve Huffman obtained by The Verge — “like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well” — and said that “more is needed for Reddit to act.”

Ahead of the Tuesday post, more than 300 subreddits had committed to staying dark indefinitely, SpicyThunder335 said. The list included some hugely popular subreddits, like r/aww (more than 34 million subscribers), r/music (more than 32 million subscribers), and r/videos (more than 26 million subscribers). Even r/nba committed to an indefinite timeframe at arguably the most important time of the NBA season. But SpicyThunder335 invited moderators to share pledges to keep the protests going, and the commitments are rolling in.

Thousands of subreddits likely will come back online within the next day, if only out of a sense of obligation to their own communities. But the indefinite loss of forums with tens of millions of subscribers seems likely to sting. (Certainly it’s stinging the quality of Google search results.)

If Reddit hopes to de-escalate the situation, it seems to me that it has two clear options. One is that it could reduce the announced pricing for its API to ensure third-party developers can continue their work. But this seems unlikely: Reddit’s clear objective here is to wind down third-party app development and push users to its own native app, which it has promised to improve.

That leads to the second option, which is to simply slow down. One of the most upsetting things about the API changes, from developers’ perspective, is that many of their users bought annual subscriptions, and Reddit’s new pricing takes effect at the end of this month. That leaves them little time to make things right with their customers.

One criticism I heard of my piece yesterday is that Reddit had given developers more than 30 days’ notice, contrary to what some developers have complained about. But when Reddit first announced that it would charge for API access, it did not specify prices or what kinds of apps would be affected. The communication failure led to widespread confusion about how tools related to content moderation, accessibility, and independent research would be affected, and Reddit has been trying to dig its way out of that hole ever since.

That leaves room for Reddit to grant developers another six months to a year before the API changes take effect. By delaying the move, developers would get the time they need to either figure out sustainable business models or shut down without stiffing their customers on months of expected service. Reddit, in turn, could use that same time to build the improvements to moderation tools and the core app that it insists are coming soon.

Assuming not even that happens, though, there are other options.

One possibility is that, in the grand tradition of forum drama throughout internet history, big subreddits will simply decamp for other hosting solutions. If that seems like a pipe dream — and I apologize for the unfortunate example — look at the story of TheDonald. The violent, racist subreddit was banned in 2020 for violating Reddit’s content policies. But its membership quickly rebuilt elsewhere, at a site I will not link to, using an interface quite similar to Reddit’s.

Of course, it would have been better for the internet if TheDonald had simply disbanded. But the fact that it continued once being booted off Reddit illustrates how little Reddit itself brought to the community — and how easily other, more reputable subreddits might build new homes elsewhere, so long as their users have the will.

On Monday, I mentioned that my favorite subreddit had gone dark; a commenter let me know that some members had already set up shop on Kbin, a decentralized Reddit alternative that is interoperable with Mastodon and other services on the ActivityPub standard. While the interface is rough even by the standards of Reddit, it works just fine. And if the Fediverse continues to develop at its current pace, it might soon work much better than that.

Then again, of course, Huffman may be right. Statistically, the furor over Reddit’s API changes will pass, and power users will resign themselves to the imperfect convenience of having all their favorite niche communities in a single place.

But for now, at least, anger seems to be building. And given the rapid fragmentation of online social networking, what happens next seems increasingly hard to predict. It’s true that most social media controversies eventually blow over. Other times, though, they blow up.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Spez says the blackout is no big deal and will blow over by Wednesday. Spez also says people are so pissed off they will randomly attack people in the streets wearing Reddit gear. So either people don't care and everything will be back to normal soon, or people are in a blind rage about the API changes and prone to random acts of violence. Which is it?

Notice Spez doesn't go so far as to claim there have been any specific threats or incidents of violence. There is no evidence or justification supporting his warning. He is just 100% throwing that in there for the headline. Reddit has gotten bad press all week, Spez thinks pretending to be a victim of the rabid reddit mob (which is simultaneously full of keyboard warriors who will accept defeat by tomorrow) will get him some sympathy in the press. The dude is pathetic.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

My wife was on Reddit for about 9 years when she got hooked on TikTok about a year ago. In her words, Reddit had become boring. She still checks the local community sub, but that is about it. Just worth pointing out that Reddit is facing pressure from two ends. A lot of the more casual users, and the popular content creators, are on TikTok and other video centric platforms. Reddit can't compete there, as much as they try. The dedicated users they did have, those interested in community and discussion, well Reddit just angered much of that group.

Prior to the blackout, I was angry with Reddit. Since the blackout I've taken a step back and realized how much garbage Reddit is filled with (ads, shitposts, promoted content, etc), and how much I want to find something better. Before the blackout I was planning to quit Reddit out of anger. Now I plan to quit because, as my wife said, Reddit is boring and I'm excited to explore what comes next.

[–] 26 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The two day blackout was what finally got me to actually look into the fediverse, figure out servers and whatnot, and make an account to try it out. I've been meaning to look into it for a while, but the blackout was the push I needed. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm far more interested in exploring this exciting new space then I am going back to the garbage filled Reddit, even if they miraculously back down on the API changes .

My reddit account was over 10 years old. This is my first comment on Lemmy/Fediverse.