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Right, making it look like you know what you’re doing is a great way to advance to the point where you cause real damage. I’m glad you don’t have to do that, and aren’t getting trampled by the people who do.
Oh, uh. I’m wondering if I laid the irony down too thick. I think the comment you originally replied to is probably correct. I think your questions are typical escape hatches for men to be blameless in any situation. I can imagine you didn’t mean them that way, but that’s what’s usually meant by them.
You’re absolutely right. The most likely scenario is that the person with first-hand knowledge misinterpreted the situation. These poor men and their sensitive feelings…
Irony aside, I’m sure it’s a complex situation with different relevant points to any perspective, but the events as told line up with my own experiences.
I’ve witnessed many of the kinds of situations described here and I think the proposed mechanics adequately explain them.
He grows more powerful by the day…
I can’t watch yet, but I have to know: how angry is Steve?
You may still want to go to an ophthalmologist though. Hehehe.
I gotta say, they really should mention the weight. The fact that they don’t only suggest it’s way heavier than the camping crowd would accept.
It’s word marketing, but 40% the size of other models is pretty impressive.
Anecdotally, I’ve found camping people to be into the practicality of pods. I think it’s a smart move.
The extra small size is also good, but light weight would be even more important.
You saved me a click, thanks.
Importing esthetic preferences over accessibility tells me a lot about the content…