You're right, my word choice makes it seem like I was saying fungi and humans are genetically related. Thanks for clarifying.
There's a Paul Stamets video where he talks about how mushrooms are so closely related to humans that we both fight off similar pathogens and that is why they are so useful to us for medicine (penicillin for example.)
Totally get it, if it's not worth it, don't buy it.
I pay right around $20/month for unlimited movies. It made it affordable and fun to be able to go see a movie whenever I like. Sometimes my wife and I see a few movies in a week, sometimes we might just see a few movies a month. The way it balances out, we still see a ton of movies super cheap. If we want a popcorn or soda, we have loyalty points built up that cover it. We might pay $1 to upgrade to the large.
I love seeing movies on the big screen. I like that it forces me to pay attention compared to distractions at home. It's immersive. I live in a small town so the theater isn't usually packed.
Shemomedjamo - Georgian word meaning to eat past the point of fullness because it tastes so good or as I heard it, "I accidentally ate the whole thing."
I've tried so many things throughout my life. Getting yourself to stop is going to be a personal thing. The last thing I tried that succeeded was taking a job out of town where I worked 12-16 hour days. It was manual skilled labor. I was working with my hands, they were often dirty, and frankly, there wasn't much downtime to find myself chewing my nails. This attempt to stop just happened to finally work for me. It's been almost four years. Keep at it, you can do it!
Biting my nails.
I started at about two years old and chewed them to the quick for over 35 years.
I haven't read through comments yet so I may be redundant.
Hey... So sorry. Pets are a personal relationship. That loss is a grief just like any other. It's hard because others don't have the relationship to that individual that you have.
Grief is something you carry through life. It isn't linear, but it does get easier. Grief will come in waves. You'll be fine and then it hits you out of the blue.
Do we just live and suffer and die? Well, yeah. But we also love, and get excited, and feel, learn new things, explore. We fall in love; we experienced heartbreak. We have moments when we notice the light coming through the leaves in the forest, or the sound of water on rocks in a creek, an interaction between a grandparent and young child, the smell of a newborn's head, that first time a cat settles in your lap, coffee when no one else is awake, the first sign of success in a new hobby, I could go on and on. So many things. Observations that have a visceral yet intangible emotional reaction. So so many things.
Let grief make you tender. Let grief remind you that everyone will deal with it in different ways. You can connect to others through vulnerability. Don't let it make you hard or resentful; there's so much beauty and love in the world. There's so much love in the personal relationship with a pet. There is love you can't describe.
Engage with the grief. Don't bottle or avoid it. Feel it. You're grieving because of the depth and complexity of the relationship. That's totally okay. That's healthy. It's gonna hurt. It hurts.
I'm so sorry you're feeling this right now. Take your time and feel it. Don't feel like you ever have to let that go. That's life.
Live, suffer, and die? Yeah, you could say that, but it's in the most beautiful way, and there's so much in between.
My wife found one huddled in the middle of the road earlier this year, probably only five or six weeks old. Our attempts at fostering have failed spectacularly. She loves it here.
Shhh, the IT guys are trying to have a moment
Likely what you'd imagine. They were larvae, small, fat worms with little short "beaks" for chewing wood, just like a grub. It was a very very faint rhythmic grinding, crunching sound that I just happened to notice one day. Almost thought I was imagining it.
Pun aside, this I've done. I could even hear the worms chewing during especially quiet moments. We put cherry slabs under clear plastic in the sun, then peeled the bark and smashed the larva with mallets. Not sure why my boss didn't want to use borax.
Weird, I just came across this while waiting for the ads to finish to start Legend, a movie about the Kray twins.