
joined 6 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

It'll cure what ails ya.

Somehow. Doesn't matter what it is. Miracle cure, yessiree.

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago

The most painful part is when I go to garden centers and see it for sale.

"Buy it for life!"


[–] 11 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

I'm playing whack a mole with my own ivy. Fuck the prior house owners for letting it get out of hand. I got all of it from the trees and the side of the house but it always grows back. I'm still finding sprouts from thick woody vines that have been there forever apparently. I tried removing it from the fence but realized very quickly that it's the only thing holding it together. 😒

And fuck the English for bringing it over (we both know it was them, even their plants are colonizers).

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

the latter features eight additional seconds of unrated footage.

Confused about eight seconds of footage being a selling point, but intrigued nonetheless.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

At least one neighbor has a stock box holding down the fort.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

It was nice knowing you. Looking forward to meeting your AI replacement.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Kurzgesagt videos.

This is really the only part of your rant that I was familiar with. So I can confirm: Kurzgesagt really is one of the best things you can spend time watching.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The local cable monopoly supplies modem/router/AP combos that broadcast unsecured WiFi hot spots. For "convenience" of its customers.

Pre-submission edit: there may be an authentication page upon connecting to verify that you're a legit customer. I've never tried it personally and have no intention on doing so.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

I'm sure some do. I don't have any evidence either way, though. Would be very interested if someone had some hard info.

[–] 21 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Step 1. Buy "smart" TV on sale
Step 2. Use the money saved to buy/build a streaming box of your own choosing
Step 3. Never ever connect the fucking TV to the internet

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

All valid points. But it's the streaming thing that gets me. I would have assumed that streaming captured the lions share of the casual market, leaving mostly enthusiasts left buying physical media. Clearly I was wrong lol.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

we should just recognise another being's suffering.

We do. It's just that those that revel in it get rewarded.


I think I'm pre-traumatized just thinking about the implications of this crossover.


There's a shovel around here somewhere. Keep your cool. Bury him deep.

Nobody will know.


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Please suggest some Gundam-like shows to watch

Hi all, I came back to anime after a long hiatus thanks to Witch from Mercury.

Since then, I've watched a bunch of anime - including many masterpieces - but nothing could scratch that itch like a Gundam series could.

So now I'm look for more Gundam shows to watch.

It doesn't have to be Gundam exactly (or even anime!). As long as it shares the main features, I would consider it to be Gundam.

From what I observed, the following themes are essential to Gundam series:

War - To be specific, it shows how war is bad, and that nobody truly wins in a war.

Child soldiers - Usually forced to fight, or manipulated into fighting (by people who would usually get revealed to be the real villains later).

Politics - What started the war, or kept the war going. The politicians tend to be the ones manipulating others.

"Mecha" - I am using the term mecha loosely here, because it doesn't really have to be a robot that's piloted. It can simply be some kind of enhancement or weapon of war, or something symbolic.

Tragedy - In war, people are obviously going to die. Personally I would prefer if the main cast gets a happy ending though.

Discrimination - It can be discrimination over race, class, etc.

Other themes that I have noticed are common but not really essential include:

romance subplot - Looks like in war, love gives people hope, as well as the drive to keep on living.

dystopian setting - It could be the lasting effect of previous wars, or the consequences of politics.

Finally, these are not really themes, but I've noticed these trends:

  • there's usually an ensemble cast
  • the protagonist's team tend to switch sides in the later stage of the show to fight against the true villains
  • the mechas would progressively get upgraded over the course of the show

To avoid overlaps, here are the Gundam-like series that I have watched / plan to watch.


Planning to watch (based on hearsay about their similarity to Gundam):

Thanks in advance for the recommendations.

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