I've had a quick look at the code, there doesn't seem to be a way to change the "default" currencies, they are hardcoded. See https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kunitconversion/-/blob/master/src/currency.cpp and search for "addCommonUnit" and "addDefaultUnit".
You can specify your target (e.g. 11 USD in INR
should work), however I don't know how to change the defaults or if KRunner is "smart" enough to automatically include INR in those conversions.
The proposal isn't mine, I just read and shared it :-) The blog post has a paragraph or two about multpile subfolders, as I read it, the specification is not clear on whether thats supported? But actually: at first glance I think this would be better to have, because it would possibly make synchronizing to a new PC/Laptop even easier. However, this only works if any machine-specific settings (e.g. "offset /size of window") are not stored in config, as that might break if you sync config between a multi-monitor setup and a single-monitor setup. This requires a lot of thought...
Just for clarification: this would be a one-time process per application, right? I'm sure this will work for 99% of users, but there'll always be the one (or a couple of users) that synchronizes their .config directory, then doesn't update all machines at the same time and all hell breaks loose - a.k.a https://xkcd.com/1172/ :-) But I'd say that's probably not worth losing the advantages of a cleaner .config-directory, so this might be one of those "tough-luck" situations... 🤷
Yeah, it's not a great name, either, I agree...
"Itinerary" is so hard for me (German) to pronounce... Couldn't it be renamed to something like "TravelSKedule" or something a bit more "flowing"? The work in it seems awesome (and a very good example in working together with other FLOSS communities, like OpenStreetMaps etc.)
OP said
(note, in settings > energy saving the option to change screen brightness on battery power is unchecked)
So either that setting is ignored or there's two competing energy saving modules active or there's a but in the setting or something completely else...
I don't think many of those removals will have any impact on power consumption - at least not unless you're using them right now. Removing a non-default task switcher (if you don't use that currently) or theme (e.g. "Plasma Air") will help with maintainability of the code and more time for other work than hunting down issues in that task switcher or theme, though. This might result in freeing up time to work on other stuff. So, indirectly: it's possible.