
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 21 hours ago (1 children) brave and librewolf are the way to go
Mullvad Browser is great for true anti fingerprint resistance um alle Peertube Instanzen zu durchsuchen
Startoage hat angefangen Nutzer zu tracken. nutzt (unabhängig von Gogle und Microsoft) (auch eigener Index)
Sorry, aber Startpage und Metager sind wirklich keine guten Empfehlungen

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

@darthkielbasa @bravebrowser wait there is a nightly Version for fedora?

Am besten:

  1. Accressent
  2. Obtanium (github/gitlab) + Appverfier
  3. F-droid Repo des Entwicklers manuell hinzufügen



How anonymous is Newpipe?
I only use Newpipe with a Anonymous VPN. (Mullvad/Proton)
Is google still able to make a big profile about me?
Does Newpipe clear cookies so that if you restart you have a completely new session?
Is there something like fingerprinting in Newpipe? For example the Language or Settings in Newpipe?

The most anonymous way to watch YouTube is using Tor and Invidious.

I think that Newpipe is way better then directly YouTube, but google will still almost completely track you even when using a VPN.

#newpipe #newpipeapp