Ah, good to know! Maybe my android app just isn't updated yet, there's no update date listed on my phone.
joined 2 years ago
Odd, that still doesn't work for me.
Very cute! Its not showing as an animated gif on Jerboa, is that something with the app or is it actually a very cute still?
I've been craving such a parent mode for years, without even being a parent, haha. Just a popup saying "welcome back, would you like to run through the tutorial" would be revolutionary imho.
I was in this camp but find that the results I've gotten from DDG have been notably worse for the last year or so, to the point that I don't expect useful results to come out of it any more at this point. Even if I searched "site name" because I couldn't remember the URL was spelled "site-name.com" I've had no results coming from DDG, while Google had it as the first hit.
Have you experienced something similar? Are there techniques or workarounds I'm not aware of?