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[–] KaleDaddy 5 points 11 months ago

Idk if anyone has told you but the first season is by far the worst. I often recommend that people skip it honestly. So if you watched it and we're still into it just get ready because it gets so much better

[–] KaleDaddy 6 points 1 year ago

Only partially related but i am going to hop on my soapbox to inform everyone that honeybees are an invasive species in the US and others places. While they are not the sole cause of native bee/pollinator die off they are one of the largest factors contributing to it. Save native bees!

[–] KaleDaddy 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You said something absolutely wild, if i said "aliens invented cheese" youd probably want proof. me refuting your points and literally just asking where you heard this information should not have you accusing me of harassing you and "debate broing" you. The reality is you just heard some random thing on the internet, never fact checked it because you thought itd be convent ammo in discussions about veganism. And now youre getting angry because i called you out on that. We all are guilty of doing that occasionally but flying into a rage and being rude whenever you're called out is a dangerous way to live

[–] KaleDaddy 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I asked for a scholarly source. A youtube reel of someone reading a tumblr post isnt an academic source or anywhere to be getting scientific information from.

Im asking because the wording youre using "horrified screams of agony" is not remotely related to the reality of "plant has some kind of reaction when cut" which is more likely to be what is actually written in whatever scholarly article was the basis for the trash tabloid click bait articles everyone got the "plants feel pain" idea from. But again that doesnt refute any of my other points even if it were true that they "feel pain" (which they dont in any recognizable way)

[–] KaleDaddy 1 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Can you cite a scholarly source on that? The "scientists say plants feel pain" is a very common point but there's no actual scientists claiming they "feel pain"

Also 70% of all crops grown in the US (with similar numbers in many other countries) are grown to produce animal feed. So even IF plants felt pain (they dont) going vegan would still be better because itd mean less plants getting "hurt"

That being said, Im guessing you dont really believe this anyways, unless you apologize everytime you trim a plant or walk on grass lol

[–] KaleDaddy 1 points 1 year ago

Its a complete and excellent source of protein thats easily farmed and can be prepared in a million different delicious ways. It is also thousands of times less destructive for the environment than meat, as well as being cheaper to produce.

Soy has been consumed for thousands of years. Also this is entirely anecdotal and opinion: but Quorn sucks. Morning star/beyond meat all the way

[–] KaleDaddy 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Im guessing based on your username this character is an obsession of yours, and there's a need to insist your interpretations are absolute fact. But unless the writer's state explicitly what they were intending with her character. Its all just opinions.

On another note. Despite what you might think based on a lot of comments, it is possible to discuss things on the Internet without being unnecessarily smug and condescending purely because someone contradicted your head cannon

[–] KaleDaddy 3 points 1 year ago

Doom Eternal probably has my favorite gameplay of any game. I did think it struggled with some sequel bloat. I didnt like the bright colors even if it was a harl back to the original games, or the extended cutscenes and story and lore. It seemed a bit unnecessary especially compared to the running gag in the first one about The Doom Slayer not giving a shit about the story

[–] KaleDaddy 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Doom (2016) might be my all time favorite game. But the end gets really repetitive. The game is kind of loke the original Portal where they had one really great gameplay concept (the combat) and made a tight game around it with no frills. But without any other gameplay loops the end just means tediously long waves of enemies which could become a slog

[–] KaleDaddy 3 points 1 year ago

Some of the classics beyond cash and dolly, I'll exclude the more countrypolitan stuff, these are mostly more honky tonk, also some modern people

Hank williams (all three of 'em) merle haggard, willy nelson, waylon jennings, kris Kristofferson, Buck Owens, wayne hancock, Orville peck, marty robbins, nick shoulders

Bluegrass earl scruggs, osborne brothers, ricky skaggs, billy strings

Gothic? Bridge City sinners, rhiannon Giddens, Amigo the Devil, Shawn James

[–] KaleDaddy 9 points 1 year ago

Global "lifestyle" emissions not total carbon emissions, that's a pretty important difference.

[–] KaleDaddy 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

CALIGULA by Lingua Ignota can be pretty disturbing, it was written as a way to process the trauma of their experiences with sexual assault.

Casualties of Cool by Devin Townsend can be kind of uncanny. Its supposed to be a concept album that sounds like a "haunted johnny cash album" the songs are good but a lot of the sound effects and such are really creepy

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