493 in favour, that makes me very happy to hear. Amid all the horrors of the time we live in, there are still some places where some human rights are unchallenged.
What? Now already? That's sad.
"besluiten" is hier een zelfstandig naamwoord meervoud, niet een werkwoord. “Op de dag dat het kabinet besluiten (...) moet sturen.” Maar het leest inderdaad niet makkelijk.
I still have some Reddit Premium left, so I don't get ads, so I don't feel guilty about visiting the site occasionally. But I removed the link to Reddit from my task bar, so the times I visit the site is almost always just because I followed a link.
That said, I do miss Reddit a little bit. Kbin replaces it partially, but simply because if its size it's much more likely you find something interesting on Reddit than on here.
De mens is toch juist een sociaal dier met sociale constructies? Dat is wat ons primaten onderscheidt van andere zoogdieren.
Mij lijkt het een slecht idee om nu al zeker te zijn van je stem, terwijl er nog zo veel kan veranderen. Ik zie mensen hier al stellen dat het GL/PVDA wordt terwijl we nog niet eens weten hoe die samenwerking er uit komt te zien.
Winters zijn alleen een probleem als het ooit sneeuwt; niet alle fietspaden worden gestrooid (vooral buiten de stad). Het is mij één keer overkomen en toen had ik een half uur extra reistijd. Maar voor de rest is er niet veel verschil tussen winter en zomer.
I know you're just summarising, but I don't think your first point gets across how deep the childcare benefits scandal goes. Thousands of parents had to pay tens of thousands of euros, often for no clear reason. The debt made them lose their posessions, jobs, relationships, and their own wellbeing. Their kids were taken out of their homes because parents in debt can't take care of their children. These people literally lost years of their lives because of one single action by some unknown employee of the tax authority with no justification needed.
The government is supposed to protect its citizens from itself, and the Dutch government failed at its most important task. The protections against arbitrary punishment that you have on paper were actively being bypassed. Requests for information resulted in completely blacked out documents. When it was brought to court (if you could somehow afford a lawyer), even the highest judges blindly trusted the information they got from the tax authority (even though vital information was illegally left out), rather than assuming innocence. The ombudsman seemed to care very little. The government also lied to parliament, and most MPs did not question it too much anyway because staying in the coalition is so much more important. And then the fourth power, the press, took over a decade to bring all of this to light, after ignoring several signs before. All branches of government failed here, and the foundation of rule of law was violated. Rutte, of course, knew about it, but oopsie he has no active memory of it.
Okay, this author has not been following Eurovision for very long then. Here are some that come to mind:
Eurovision has always been political.