Nice comparism
Yes, you are right. Especially when you're offshore for months.
I normally work 7 days on and some days off, which mean I work from Monday to Sunday and get the following week off.
I love my job, I have had this job for more than a decade working on and off the sea. I used to work in a lot more harsher environment Nice to hear from you
I'm glad you have a good job which gives you plenty of time, I for once don't need much time for myself. Working extra hours keeps my mind occupied and helps me not to overthink some certain things, it's the reason why I have not taken a vacation for a long time now.
Alright, you got me confused for a while.
I never implied your job wasn't important.
I'm in the middle of the sea over a 100 mile onshore, there's little fun out here plus I'm really into outdoor stuffs like hiking and skiing.
Today is my day off, but I've staying in my cabin watching movies and being scrolling on X.
I only have experience working in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, in which the Gulf seems calm.