
joined 2 years ago
[–] HannahBecz 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I mean jokes aside, usually preordering digital titles lets you preload most of the content several days before the release. If you don't have high speed internet, or have a restrictive daily cap - this can give you a leg up on a purchase you were going to day1 buy anyway.

Then on release it just activates your license and then you can spend most of release day playing the game versus waiting for it to download.

[–] HannahBecz 1 points 2 years ago

This is why I'm glad it's day 1 gamepass - if it sucks or is unplayable then I didn't waste any money.

But so far I've played every Bethesda game(elder+fallout) since Morrowind at launch - apart from their MMOs - and while they are buggy, none have been unplayable or unenjoyable due to their launch bugs. So hopefully this remains the case.

[–] HannahBecz 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

From what I understand of how this whole system works here - you can just host/create your own instance for that community. Make some mod post on your subreddit about how you're migrating the community, if anyone can help host it if you're unable, and if they want to follow over they can.

[–] HannahBecz 1 points 2 years ago

Ugh, Morrowind came out when I was in high school.

40 is approaching fast enough, I don't want to be nearly 50 when ES6 comes out.

[–] HannahBecz 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Originally I was annoyed at the display of this scene

But I decided later to take it as Zapp growing as a person, having learned he can develop feelings for "men" - even though it was just Leela, and in a confused sort of way opened up to dating trans-women. And he is legitimately confused about the surprise, knowing full well this is a trans-women - and not the harmful joke about her still having her body's birth genitalia.

But yeah, hopefully they do a little better with this season on that front and I don't have to rely on home brewed explanations anymore.

[–] HannahBecz 2 points 2 years ago

And the PlayStation ports of their games were always terrible. Like the further south you went in Oblivion the longer it would take to load a town. Sometimes Leyawin would take 5+ minutes to load.

Skyrim had that stuff with data corruption and the upside down dragons.

While I don't remember, I'm sure the fallout PlayStation versions had their own issues. So I'm glad Bethesda is solely Xbox/pc now because the PS versions were a distant afterthought anyways.

30fps is fine so long as it's not a crutch. And since it's on game pass day one, if it's terrible all I've done is waste bandwidth downloading it, and not $70.

[–] HannahBecz 5 points 2 years ago

StumbleUpon is what actually brought me to Reddit when Cracked started to decline in their articles, and probably the same story for a lot of us between 30-40 that are in exodus from Reddit currently.

I actually tried to get away from Reddit probably 6 or more years ago to this federated thing but couldn't get into it then - but now with Apollo going away and the CEOs opinion made clear how users like me are viewed, even if they reverted their API pricing I won't be back.

This is the style of community I'd like to be a part of.

And don't forget about Group X or the insane number of stick figure fighting flash videos. Shfifty-five.

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