
joined 2 years ago

Minecraft's trails and tales update brought home the armor trims! if your going for medival style or looking for target practice, trims have it all. those mapmakers out there will surely have there hands full for the next adventure based around these armor trims! (a hint for mappers, maybe make a pvp map with different trims for classes!)

[–] GameBoy_Advance 3 points 2 years ago, Minecraft, Battlefront 2. all great games

[–] GameBoy_Advance 3 points 2 years ago

Fallout 4 is one of the best fallout games bethseda has made (in my opinion, considering its the only fallout i have besides new vegas and 3) it has such a great storyline and i love teaming up with the brotherhood of steel because in the end the final quest is just plain awesome. i cant give away any spoliers except its awesome.

[–] GameBoy_Advance 3 points 2 years ago

i typically play Destiny 1 and 2 as well as Battlefront 2 with my friend group. sometimes we quad team on minecraft bedwars. and even duel each other sometimes

[–] GameBoy_Advance 1 points 2 years ago

i agree, the farthest i have gotten is with the huntress, the rouge is good sometimes for when your in a bind and can cloak to escape. the bad thing about the rouge is it takes a while for the cloak to recharge so by the time its charged all those enemies you escaped are back on you.

[–] GameBoy_Advance 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is so much fun but once i get past stage 2 i almost always die, i never get past depth 12

[–] GameBoy_Advance 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Minecraft creative mode can be very relaxing but time consuming, it takes a while to build a big project but looks awesome when completed, you can go for a small hobbit home too and give in some detail, it takes your mind off of things sometimes, especially when doing the math to even builds out.


As Hypixel grows, there tends to be new gamemodes created and tested, you can find WIP (work in progress) games in the Prototype lobby. Do you have a favourite gamemode or play them all?

[–] GameBoy_Advance 1 points 2 years ago

isn't Minecraft builders and biomes on the bedrock? i think its a downloadable world. if its a boardgame i would like to try it.


It seems that Terraria and Paper Fort Games is releasing a tabletop version of the 2D Game featuring character progression, base building and combat with some new art. i find this very cool and hope to see it on shelf soon!