
joined 1 year ago

Wow, this seems really useful! What a neat feature.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I prefer TV series as a medium; I have trouble sitting through a whole movie, and I think the way series have 'chapters' like a book is really helpful for a lot of stories. There's also just a lot more detail you can put in a long show.

All that being said, I'm so sick of series that don't go anywhere, or get cancelled prematurely. Other than miniseries like Queen's Gambit it seems like so many just sort of wander off into mediocrity after some seasons. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Outer Range (soon)... Now I wait for series to end before picking them up, at least in the case of plot-heavy shows like those. There's less of an issue for comedies and other types of shows where the story isn't the main draw, so that's the sort of TV I end up watching the most.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

That's the first one that came to mind for me too! Kid me absolutely loved it in theaters, and it only gets better with age. It's so stylistically out there, there's really nothing that looks quite like it.

Another one of my favorites was Tron: Legacy. Again, blew my mind in theaters, and I've come to love it even more now. I don't think this one was a flop exactly, though it did underperform. It's similar to Speed Racer in that it's very visually-focused with a super unique aesthetic, though the emphasis on practical effects and physical camera stuff (lens flares etc) gives it a completely different feel that I love too.

Fuck yeah I would. As long as it's cheap and relatively safe I'd take instant transportation over spending hours sitting in a metal box any day.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It really doesn't work as a replacement for google/docs/forums. It's another tool in your belt, though, once you get a good feel for its limitations and use cases; I think of it more like upgraded rubber duck debugging. Bad for getting specific information and fixes, but great for getting new perspectives and/or directions to research further.

I don't know about others' experiences, but I've been completely stuck on problems I only figured out how to solve with chatGPT. It's very forgiving when I don't know the name of something I'm trying to do or don't know how to phrase it well, so even if the actual answer is wrong it gives me somewhere to start and clues me in to the terminology to use.

Yes, in the same way a tomato is a fruit.

Funny this comes up, I just made jerky at home for the first time a couple days ago. Much cheaper and very tasty. Easier than I was expecting too.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I usually let it do what it wants more, in the interest of good looking outputs. For more complex things I use a combination of the things you describe - prompt and controlnet tweaks - and img2img. You can let the original generation be ugly and overbaked, but as long as it has the right composition, you can then send it through img2img with a reduced prompt based more around style than composition. Or if you're really having the trouble getting the composition you want, you can even make a sketch or rough edit of it, then run that through img2img.

You're probably aware but it's worth mentioning: CFG scale and the model you use have a huge impact on overbaking (i.e. the ugly over+contrasted look with weird artifacts that happens when there's too detailed of a prompt). Any model trained to do something in particular will be much more prone to this; Deliberate v2 is my preferred model for how flexible it is, it takes a lot to get overbaked outputs. Also, lowering the CFG reduces overbaking risk a lot, and while it does add more 'randomness' it can sometimes be worth it. All about balancing it with your prompt.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Great analysis! Once again I see it differently but it's always cool to hear other perspectives.

I would agree that the protagonist's journey is often a primary part of a good film, but it's far from always the primary part of a good film. To me Evelyn and her arc filled a role closer to Nick(?) in The Great Gatsby, or Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean, or whats-his-face (the main guy, not Fred Rogers) from A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. They're the focal point of the story and are what drive it forward, but even though they have the most screentime the most interesting thing about them is their interaction with a 'side' character as a foil. While everything you describe regarding Evelyn and trying to support someone you care about are undoubtedly significant parts of the movie, they're not what make the movie stand out to me, and not what I would use to describe the 'point' of it.

Like you said, Joy and Evelyn wrestling with similar issues creates a great dynamic, where each offer different perspectives and challenges to the other. Where it sounds like you found Joy and her role in the movie to be more of a support in the main story of Evelyn's journey, to me Evelyn's side of things was more the lens through which to view the central story of the everything bagel. I see Evelyn's progression as being metaphor for how depression and nihilism creep in. Every part of her journey is another way you keep trying to fight it off, either internally or as help from loved ones, but things keep escalating no matter what you do until you end up at the bagel. The everything bagel's appearance and the Joy/Jobu reveal is the realization of what's been happening. From there it's less about the characters and more just the fundamental fight between the parts of us that can see a way of existing in the world and the parts of us that can't, whether those parts come from within or from loved ones.

To be clear I'm not trying to imply what you wrote is wrong in any way; I just thought it was interesting how, if I was asked to describe the movie's point, I would have given an answer more about the overall story and bagel-adjacent stuff than Evelyn's character arc. Our own experiences with the subject matter of the movie no doubt color our interpretations of what parts seem more 'important' than others. We can both be right :)

[–] 32 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They're about as good as you could expect from a major cloud storage provider. In theory the encryption means that Mega can't access your files, but they're expressly very cooperative with government agencies so don't bet on anything you put there being entirely secure. I haven't heard of any major problems with them though - it's what I've been using for cloud storage the past few years and I haven't had an issue. As long as files aren't shared and therefor at risk of being reported there's not much to worry about, though in the case of things getting reported it's a 'take down first, ask questions later' type deal.

Here's a transparency report from them (how much to trust it is up to you):

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