When will we get linux compatibility?
I agree, it takes a lot of copium to believe that all of this "phasing out by 2050" shit itsnt straight pandering. Its like a smoker with lung cancer saying they'll quit in a few years. We are hopelessly addicted to our lifestyles that depend on fossil fuels. The only one thats ultimately going to shift our society is mother nature when she eradicates us through famine, extreme weather and chaos
The point is if they do it for this there is no reason they wouldn't do it to other forms of media. Youre either introducing a strawman argument or missing the point
Sacrificing privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you're ok giving up free speech because you have nothing to say
Hmm this is assuming the oil companies behave and take it laying down
Lol I'm sure they'll implement those planned green measures.. Any day now..
Hmm, tracks. I will continue using nothing from them
There's a lot we can do in labs, the snag is often when you try to bring it to scale. Regardless, doing this is like trying to clean your lungs while still smoking
My friend there's no shot. We couldn't even unify against covid 19. Enjoy what you have while you have it, collapse is already here
Unfortunately I wish I could disagree with you, but I agree- its probably best to make the most of what we have while we have it
I think I'll just upgrade to sailing the high seas rather than paying these clowns
Just say it like it is, we are in the process of triggering major climate tipping points.