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[–] CedarA64@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago

I don't really understand the logic, but there are plenty of reasons to not be using Google Maps, so I will give my two cents.

I have had the best luck with MagicEarth. I still use Google Maps sometimes when I need to use the most reliable navigation or if MagicEarth can't find something. When I was driving professionally I found out that sometimes MagicEarth (OSM) got residential addresses right when Google Maps did not but also vice versa. I have used HERE Maps (HereWeGo) in the past and also tried OSMAnd.

[–] CedarA64@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago

I bought an old Sony ereader on eBay a couple years ago but the battery is shot and apparently replacing it requires soldering?! I had been thinking about bringing it to a phone repair shop to get it fixed but now I think that is probably a no-go. Yesterday I researched how repairable the Kobo ereaders are and based on iFixit they seem pretty horrendous, even the newer Clara BW that has an OEM repair guide and official OEM parts available on iFixit (although it is marginally better than the old Aura HD). Now I am thinking I may just forego ereaders altogether. The repair situation with laptops, tablets and phones is bad enough nowadays. I don't want anything to do with something even worse than that. I would get the PineNote but I am too poor to pay $400 for an ereader.

I have just been using my old iPad (with the low contrast feature enabled for bedtime reading) but obviously that is not great for privacy so I would have to use another device for some books. I could use an old OnePlus that I have but it has an AMOLED display so it's not great for reading but maybe I can mitigate that with the right software and configuration.

I would just buy paper books but unfortunately that has its privacy issues as well, at least in my case. If one is in a shared living situation it can hard be to keep private what you are reading if other people are nosy. And even just buying paper books anonymously can be impossible if you cannot buy what you want to read with cash at a brick and mortar store. I have no idea how you anonymously order books online (and I am not talking about some dark web marketplace that accepts Monero and has 10 books). It is probably possible if you have enough money to throw at the problem, which I don't.

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