Hvad havde hun tænkt sig sker når hele verden bliver ramt af katastrofer og hungersnød og den største flygtningekrise i verdenshistorien rammer Danmark? Hun tror bare vi kan stikke fingrene i ørene, ignorere at resten af verden bryder sammen, og så gå en tur på stranden og nyde sommersolen? I det mindste har hun gjort det endnu mere tydeligt at det parti ikke er andet end alt-right trolls der intet godt vil Danmark eller verden.
Feel free to add it to the body of the post or an edit to one of your more visible comments if you want to.
Yeah, I agree. It's one thing they don't address it in this video, I think that makes sense. But the fact that they are deleting comments about it just shows that they haven't learned their lesson and makes them so hard to trust.
It seems to me like they are deleting comments on the apology video that mention this at all. There are almost noone to be found, and when I tried clicking this recent one to see it's responses, it gave a 404 error. Someone correct me if that's wrong though. https://i.gifer.com/3OadD.gif
Just saw that Rourke play, damn that was a nice one.
Of all the answers here, this definitely seems like the right one and the only one that makes sense.
Get wet. It sucks, but it's not the end of the world. Especially if you dress appropriately.
Better than people starting to ask me where stuff is when I'm just another random customer in the store.
Thanks, I will, cute and dangerous duck.
You're right, that's certainly not impressive.
Norwegian, it's like Danish but with an attractive accent.
Håber godt nok det parti dør en hurtig død, det er jo fuldstændigt sindssygt hvor virkelighedsfjerne de er.