
joined 5 months ago
[–] 5 points 5 months ago (4 children)

IIRC, Catodon development is currently halted (

Sharkey I don't know

There really is a whole *keys forks lore ha ha

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Seems like an opportunity!


A few ideas from the top of my head

  • Flairs that can be allowed to filter content in a community
  • Major online communites (can be subreddits, or other communities) moving to Lemmy
  • Reddit removing old.reddit
  • Reddit banning people using VPNs (already happening, see ! )
  • Lemmy becoming the reference source of knowledge for a certain domain

Second point is probably crucial, but I don't see any major subreddit wanting to move here. StarTrek is the exception more that the rule.



Thank you for keep it active!

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (6 children)

To me, FireFish got replaced by IceShrimp. Good looking interface, nice features (Antenna) and regular releases.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

IIRC, Blaze (mod here) got banned under similar circumstances.


That's indeed why I opened this community in the first place. For people interested, you can have a look at this post for the details (open the spoiler):

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

I see where they come from, but from a new user perspective, it's quite confusing to see too similar-looking communities, more or less similarly active, with more or less the same type of content, and not know where to post

! is more software development oriented, and ! has the typical spin to it.

I’m not sure how either side would agree to “merge”, since wanting self-governance was the reason the split happened in the first place.

Indeed, but on that point I'm not sure how the LW is currently moderated. The moderators don't seem that active (it's a trend I've noticed among a few LW communities). If I have some time in the coming days, I might contact them to see if they are still interested in managing that community, or if uniting forces with would make more sense

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

The newcommunities one in particular didn’t take issue with it? That was part of why I was asking, as I didn’t think they would appreciate posts about existing communities, but if they don’t mind then I take it it’s a non-issue.

Nope, see this post for instance:

On the last part, it may not hurt to see if different AskLemmy communities would be up for including them in their sidebars, and maybe featured posts with pointers to Lemmyverse and ! if they don’t have them already.

Yeah, that would be a good one. I'm not sure how to really do it though, I know the ! moderation team applies the rules very literally, so they might just flag any post there as "not a question" and remove it

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

So currently, just finding a little bit of good visual content (usually accompanied by a link and or mini-review) and posting once on a near-daily basis seems to keep snagging users without having to do anything else.

Thanks for sharing, definitely my experience as well. Usually, if the content is a bit appealing, it will end up in the 3 first pages of Top of 12 hours

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Happy to see you hear!

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children) for their work on ! , and the Lemmy promotion on Reddit!


Two examples:

Saving Private Ryan - Spielberg made the whole main cast go through 2 weeks of "hell week" boot camp. He made them suffer together.

Then he flew Matt Damon in on a private jet, put him up in a nice place, and made the rest of the cast fully aware of it.

So there was actually real animosity towards Damon for not having suffered like they did and you could feel it in the movie.

Inglorious Bastards - Quinton told Eli Roth they were going to shoot the "bear Jew" scene a certain day. He put him in the cave and filmed other things. Only to say they weren't ready for him.

He did this I think 2 or 3 days in a row.

When Roth finally comes out you can just see in his eyes the craziness and I can't imagine how it must have felt to finally be set free from this literal cage (cave).

What other examples do you know?


cross-posted from:

Interesting comparison of the AI eraser functions on the Pixel versus the Galaxy.


cross-posted from:

Bonfires, blazing torches, body-painted dancers, drummers, jugglers, musicians, fire-eaters, ancient Celtic rituals and a spectacular backdrop.

No, it’s not a scene from cult film The Wicker Man.

It’s what you can expect at the annual Beltane Fire Festival taking place in Edinburgh capital this week.

Beltane is held each year on the last day of April, continuing overnight into May Day, to mark the arrival of summer and celebrate new life and fertility.

The event, which first began in 1988 as a protest against rave laws and a way to reclaim green spaces, includes modern interpretations of rituals and customs with roots dating back to the Iron Age. And fire. Lots of fire.

The May Queen, as her name implies, presides over the show, guiding a procession of drummers and performers around the city’s landmark Calton Hill and acting out healing rites.

During her journey she interacts with the Green Man in ceremonies symbolising the birth of summer.


I remember in Revenge of the Sith, when the actor playing Vader yells "nooooooooo", at what is supposed to be the emotional climax of the trilogy, the theater roared in laughter.

Do you have other examples?


Curious to see what the community thinks about the upcoming movie


This shows county median home values divided by county median household income, both for 2023.

For example a score of "5" means the median home price in that county is 5 times the median household income in that county.

Generally, a score under 4 is considered affordable, 4-6 is pushing it, and over 6 is unaffordable for the median income.

There are of course other factors to consider such as property tax, down payment amount, assistance programs, etc. Property tax often varies at the city/township level so is impossible to accurately show.

Median Household Income Data is from US Census Bureau.

Median Home Value from National Association of Realtors, and Zillow/Redfin .

Home Values Data Link with map (missing data pulled from Zillow/Redfin/Realtor)


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