
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What software is this?

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Suspend and resume work fine. My BIOS settings are basicly stock exept for enabling XMP. My RAM is 4x8GB 3200MHz and im able to run it at full speed.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

For me a 5600 in a B4500 board works perfecly.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

For some context this is one of the winning entries:


#define N(a) "%"#a"$hhn" #define O(a,b) "%10$"#a"d"N(b) #define U "%10$.*37$d" #define G(a) "%"#a"$s" #define H(a,b) G(a)G(b) #define T(a) a a #define s(a) T(a)T(a) #define A(a) s(a)T(a)a #define n(a) A(a)a #define D(a) n(a)A(a) #define C(a) D(a)a #define R C(C(N(12)G(12))) #define o(a,b,c) C(H(a,a))D(G(a))C(H(b,b)G(b))n(G(b))O(32,c)R #define SS O(78,55)R "\n\033[2J\n%26$s"; #define E(a,b,c,d) H(a,b)G(c)O(253,11)R G(11)O(255,11)R H(11,d)N(d)O(253,35)R #define S(a,b) O(254,11)H(a,b)N(68)R G(68)O(255,68)N(12)H(12,68)G(67)N(67)

char* fmt = O(10,39)N(40)N(41)N(42)N(43)N(66)N(69)N(24)O(22,65)O(5,70)O(8,44)N( 45)N(46)N (47)N(48)N( 49)N( 50)N( 51)N(52)N(53 )O( 28, 54)O(5, 55) O(2, 56)O(3,57)O( 4,58 )O(13, 73)O(4, 71 )N( 72)O (20,59 )N(60)N(61)N( 62)N (63)N (64)R R E(1,2, 3,13 )E(4, 5,6,13)E(7,8,9 ,13)E(1,4 ,7,13)E (2,5,8, 13)E( 3,6,9,13)E(1,5, 9,13)E(3 ,5,7,13 )E(14,15, 16,23) E(17,18,19,23)E( 20, 21, 22,23)E (14,17,20,23)E(15, 18,21,23)E(16,19, 22 ,23)E( 14, 18, 22,23)E(16,18,20, 23)R U O(255 ,38)R G ( 38)O( 255,36) R H(13,23)O(255, 11)R H(11,36) O(254 ,36) R G( 36 ) O( 255,36)R S(1,14 )S(2,15)S(3, 16)S(4, 17 )S (5, 18)S(6, 19)S(7,20)S(8, 21)S(9 ,22)H(13,23 )H(36, 67 )N(11)R G(11)""O(255, 25 )R s(C(G(11) ))n (G( 11) )G( 11)N(54)R C( "aa") s(A( G(25)))T (G(25))N (69)R o (14,1,26)o( 15, 2, 27)o (16,3,28 )o( 17,4, 29)o(18 ,5,30)o(19 ,6,31)o( 20,7,32)o (21,8,33)o (22 ,9, 34)n(C(U) )N( 68)R H( 36,13)G(23) N(11)R C(D( G(11))) D(G(11))G(68)N(68)R G(68)O(49,35)R H(13,23)G(67)N(11)R C(H(11,11)G( 11))A(G(11))C(H(36,36)G(36))s(G(36))O(32,58)R C(D(G(36)))A(G(36))SS

#define arg d+6,d+8,d+10,d+12,d+14,d+16,d+18,d+20,d+22,0,d+46,d+52,d+48,d+24,d
-2)+18*(1-d[2]%2)+d[4]*2),d,d+66,d+68,d+70, d+78,d+80,d+82,d+90,d+

char d[538] = {1,0,10,0,10};

int main() { while(*d) printf(fmt, arg); }

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

For FSR to work best it has to be built into the game. There are ways to make it work without it but it's not as good.

So to upgrade to later versions the game developer has to do it.

Tho unlike Nvidia's DLSS FSR doesn't use dedicated hardware and you can run it on basicly any modern GPU.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I honestly don't realy know. The Arch wiki says that there are some differences with AMF and OpenCL but I don't know how up to date that information is.

[–] 42 points 6 months ago (5 children)

No. The open source drivers are better at almost everything. The only reasons to use the propriatary one is if you need some OpenCL improvements of if you are using a Radeon Pro GPU. For normal usage and gaming the open source driver will offer more performance and better compatibility.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

I know. I think revanced will be fine but just in case I'll clone all the revanced repos locally

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I like btop because of its ease of use and modern gui. When I open top or even htop it feels like I'm using something designed for a dumb terminal from the 70s. When opening btop it feels like something designed for how computers are used now and not 50 years ago.

Also to my knowledge It's the only full system monitor to include GPU monitoring (while other GPU monitors exist they usually only monitor the GPU and not the whole system)

[–] 9 points 6 months ago

Only testing. The default repos got it just now

[–] 20 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Seems that the DMCA only concerns distributing the modified ipa and not the patches themselves and most android projects don't distribute apk, only the patches so they should be fine. Tho I will still run through and clone all the revanced repos.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

The brittlenes apparently depends on the form it takes (polycrystalline or single-crystalline). And while there are some radioactive isotopes of tungsten most of them are synthetic and only made in a lab. The vast majority of the tungsten found on earth is stable.


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