Damn this one helped a ton. Apperantly it's gravely sandy loam, but they 100% have the rock composition wrong, but that's to be expected because my property is on a ridge.
Imma be honest. I have tried my fucking hardest to learn this multiple times trying to roughly figure out what the best kind of foundation for stuff is and what I need to do to have better soil for vegitables, but it's impossible to do without hands on instruction.
It also doesn't help that topsoil where I am is often hummus due to leaf decomposition so it's hard to figure out if I actually have "loam" or it's something else, but also the fact that since I live on the side of a ridge you get like 3 types of "sand heavy" soil if you dig out a 4x4x2 box.
I don't subscribe to the Intercept and read them all the time you can click out of their paywall.
Spoiler it's everyone's favorite whodunnit with Syrian chemical weapons.
It depends on how the program works. If SteamOS works like Android then yeah we might be cooked on the hardware support. If SteamOS works like a normal linux distro/OS we'll get more support.
In practice this is a good thing because most of the parts of SteamOS are open source, meaning that as long as you don't have a device with a locked bootloader you'd be able to run comparable OS simply using all the software that's bundled in Steam OS.
Haha. If this comment section is positive it proves nobody read the actual article.... because in the middle of it is a huge trigger for a certain kind of user around here lmao.
US 2010: "We've created and incentivised this gigantic drag net of information based on insecure protocols, private partnership deals, FISA court orders, and outright black budget illegality"
US 2024: "Pweeze use encrypted communication (that we have vendor relations with or that we have backdoors in or that we built as a honey pot) because China can see what's happening in the drag net and they can leverage that information to compromise our idiot elites."