Seit ich mir online in Diskussionen den Mund faserig geredet habe, gegen Menschen, die explizit verfassungsfeindlich fordern, dass Bürgergeld nicht Menschenwürde garantieren sollte, sondern ausschließlich gerade eben so das Überleben, bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass vom rechten Rand der SPD, über CDU und FDP bis zur AfD die entsprechenden Wählenden Menschen in Armut hassen und unbewusst (manchmal sogar offen und bewusst) am liebsten als Sklaven halten würden.
joined 3 days ago
It's: Eggshell-predetermined-breaking-point-causer
So, itˋs hard to fully switch to, but it has a growing community and there are some good creators on there (although, mostly Linux/FOSS enthusiasts) - so let me plug !
Other than that, I still have a lot of gmail adresses, switching them will be a pain, since i will have to go through what I used them for. My main mail is with a German provider, though (
I am in the process of setting up my own suite of fediverse stuff to host, these days. Have been learning a lot by dealing with frustration these past days :D (I only had some basic experience self-hosting, itˋs been a learning journey)
There's so many places where strategically important resources have been delegated wholesale to the US. Now, concerning mankind, it's theoretically better, of course, to not overdo it with wasteful redundancies. But, unfortunately, we're not talking about some kind of UN-controlled infrastructure, which is maintained and used internationally. Unfortunately, it's controlled by people like this, and that is now coming home to roost.