AHHHHHH. I’ve been CITED. Someone referenced MY academic paper in THEIR academic paper. It’s my first citation. I’m so excited I’m gonna pee myself 🚽🥳🚽🥳🚽🥳
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
I wish to say this in the most honest and sincere way possible, but
May your h-index rise forever more
I got cited too (read the top of the thread) seriously though congratulations @omoikiri@aussie.zone 🎉
I just have to actually celebrate myself, my friend let slip at dinner that my ex has a girlfriend and has for a while and I'm not sad or hurt about it at all. Which is HUGE. I'm so fucking proud of the progress I've made emotionally.
If we’re doing pups, here is Procrastidog the other day. He’s the sweetest little boy and is so chuffed to have me home again. He crawled onto my yoga mat this morning while I was doing a forward fold so he could be closer to my hands to pat him 😍
Second last day of stress leave today, think I'll remain in my jammies and lounge about doing whatever takes my fancy.
Someone was complaining on reddit about this thread being in some sort of competition with them to have more comments. So this puts us one more ahead of them. As you were, I'll get my coat.
Also my void has a leak and eyes.
Image is of a big black kitten with a white patch on their stomach.
I can't get over this photo. It's like kitty has thieved Santa's mo and won't give it back. So cute.
I told speedkitty (my cats evil personality) not to sprint up and down the hallway when people are still asleep. He looked at me blankly for a second as if to say “cat go brrrrrt!” Before dropping into the slipstream and tearing down the hall with sonic booms following in his wake. Asshole.
Time to go to bed, and hopefully my headache will be gone in the morning.
I have run the bot through final instructions and insisted that all post titles are pre-approved, so hopefully there will not be a repeat of the 2nd Wednesday fiasco. It's on probation until it shows it understands how the day names work properly. Fingers crossed for a third successful post.
Okay so I've ranted before on the old DT about my boss and the blowups we've had earlier in the year. My annual review is supposed to be in 10 days. I've been thinking of how to approach it and negotiate pay vs hours etc and provide feedback on where things are going and what my role still is in the firm.
rant follows
Today I rock up, old mate is already in his classic bad mood, and after discussing the stuff we're meant to be talking about (during which he is dismissive and presumptuous), I carefully bring up the topic of the annual review... and guess what...
I'm not even having one . Because he doesn't want any more "unnecessarily difficult" conversations and he feels he's spoken enough to me already. Oh, but his one bit of feedback is that I haven't been bringing in enough invoices and it's well below everyone else's. And that's it.
No option to defend myself, about how dealing with my mental health has been a huge time and money sink (I'm sure it would've been easier if I'd just broken my leg or got long Covid). Or how a lot of my time spent helping to manage and provide ongoing support to everyone else's projects over the years has resulted in a permanent boost in capacity for everyone else. Or how his uninvolved "management'" is not sustainable with his expectations.
I've had an entire lifetime of undervaluing myself because I've been conditioned to stay in line - "you're not good enough". "People will never understand you so you need to shut up and comply". "Stop resting on your laurels, you'll just get lazy and complacent". "It's not that special, get over yourself, stop complaining and be grateful", etc.
You know what? People in my industry - even from fucking overseas - have literally tracked me down online after coming across posts under a pseudonym with no link to my name, because they were impressed with what I've done in that sphere (almost all of which I've done on my own time and much of which has directly benefited business processes, with no prompting or guidance whatsoever) My boss even KNOWS this. Word has gotten to him!
But I almost felt like I couldn't even enjoy the opportunity and positivity because it got rained on by someone who doesn't even want to acknowledge the value I bring and can continue to bring - not as direct billing but as a multiplier for everyone else's productivity - and happiness. (It's just not his so who cares, right?)
Then he spent the rest of the morning being unreasonably pissed off at people who had made minor mistakes and blaming others for being passive when he's the one refusing to take leadership and accountability for change HE wants to see.
By the way there's nobody else in the office now and he was all alone and he was commenting on that too like others were being avoidant.
Well, my boss could be a lot worse and I remain very grateful that the business helped make my dreams of staying on in this country come true.
But if this is how it's going to keep on going... If he's willing to throw so much away just so he can huff around and stamp his foot when he's feeling cranky, but also refuse to actually put his foot down when it comes to being decisive... and he refuses to see what's going on and make changes or get help... then I'm not throwing good effort after bad.
I'll still be reducing my hours pro rata once I figure out what the hell it is I am going to get paid. And that'll help me stay on a bit longer.
But this is the fire under my arse I definitely will use to get me motivated to move the fuck on. No more ms. nice_kitten. Next opportunity I get, I'm gone. I don't care if it's well before the end of the year and it's crunch time. I'm going where I'll be appreciated - either in terms of support, genuine progression, or money.
“Breath. Don’t take it personally. Don’t get upset cause it really ain’t your problem if they have impossible standards. So long as your happy with the work you do and you’ve communicated the challenges” repeat a few times till you feel like like throwing your laptop out the window and walking out.
Can we outlaw the song Achy Breaky Heart as background music in the supermarket? Or anywhere really.
I just don't think you understand
So we have landscapers here at the moment to help us finish the backyard and lay some turf. They have the radio on, playing B52's Love Shack at a decent volume, and one of them is singing his own lyrics. "Gonna need a chiro cos my backs fuuuuucked". "Every body moving, everybody grooving to the Buffalo, buffalo baby!".
I am trying so hard not to audibly laugh. I think they forget I'm inside and can hear them.
I love citrus season. The imperial mandarins right now are so good. Hopefully some good blood oranges will come in in the next couple months too.
Tooth extraction done and went smoothly, aside from needing an extra dose of anaesthetic (but that's generally the case).
Home safely and have crawled into bed for a rest, if not a nap.
beautiful sunrise, volcano pink and purples, I can see stars, the air is cool, a slight breeze blows, it smells good and fresh , the birds are singing 😊 ( currawong, "I will eat your babies" , thrush, "fuck off and die you baby killer" )
Quick! Go outside and get as much vitamin d as you can, while it lasts
Toby looking guilty after he ripped his bunny's eyes off.
Small dog in a large dog bed with his very loved pink toy bunny.
One defaced pre-loved pink toy bunny.
The sun is so beautiful today. Feels like I haven’t seen it in 2 weeks.
How it does cheer up a day when it’s out and makes everything so much brighter and cheerful!
I hope everyone enjoys the day!
Noooooo I dropped my fried egg on the floor as I was moving it onto my bread.
My last egg too.
Been so meh these last couple of weeks. The same again today after work. It’s like… I don’t know… I just want to do nothing.
But… pulled my finger out for self-care Thursdays which has been hit and miss, but a good hit today. Still loving on the Aesop scrub I mentioned I while back. I’ve cleansed, scrubbed and put a face mask on. (I fully look like such a weirdo, my face is kind of bank robber material right now… 🤣)
So while I’m sitting here basting my face, a curious q (as I do), has anyone read any books or have any book recommendations for people who a) suck at meditation b) really struggle with positive affirmations and the like… (like find it [the language] a bit ick?). You know, for an eternal pessimist with a broken anterior cingulate.
It’s this weather. We’re all getting seasonal depression. Not enough sunshine and Vit D tablets is only good to a degree. I too feel bleh most days
Woke up at 6am to pee and then decided I better stay awake, cause if I sleep and fall into a deeper sleep then waking up at 7 will be a nightmare. Contemplating a 20 minute Power Nap though.
I hate this. I wake up, won’t sleep again thinking it’s too close to alarm. So I check time.
Best case it’s 3 or 4, perfect. Relax and back to sleep.
Worst case 30–40 mins before wake up. Sleep impossible now.
Day 12 of exercise program. A rest day today. Not for work however, I've got lasagna sheets to make and plenty of 'em! At some point I've got to launder some towels (ugh, where do they all bloody well come from?).
Have a great day everyone!
Today's to do list:
Wrangle cat into carrier for vet visit ✅️
Roast coffee beans
Do some study for my gardening course
Do some actual gardening while the weather is ok
Second walkies
You forgot 'seek first aid for the scratches and wounds incurred as you tried to wrangle the cat into the carrier'
Ask me how I know 😐😁
Stretching on the balcony in the sun after the dog walk this morning was so nice. I then had a cuddle with the dog & watched the clouds wash over the sky. So meditative.
@bot001 Swapping the cold Melbourne today for some warmth up north. Call me a traitor. But I'll be back. Can't handle the heat for too long and gotta cool my head eventually.
Anyone find that retailers are not picking up phones anymore (goes straight to voicemail or hangs up)? These are large retailers like kmart too. I feel like this started happening after the pandemic. Or is it just me?
I suspect retailers have taken advantage of the "great reset" that the pandemic kinda was.
Jacked up prices, dramatically tightened returns policies in their favour, never brought back rainchecks, cut back customer service staff etc. etc.
i wasn't pissy about my inspection today but now it's ludicrously nice outside and i would have been able to jump a v-line out to the country somewhere.
e: forgot, in day-making news i went to the market this morning and a little staffy came running out of a random shop to plant itself on my feet and demand pats and scratches. it got SO many
Dinner tonight is large bowl of fried rice with egg and Chinese sausage aka lap cheong and sweet and sour soup. Yum
It’s been a really long time because I’ve just been too busy and stressed. But I’m getting the urge to bake.
I’m now taking suggestions. I’m thinking a bread of some kind and a shareable dessert bake for visiting a friends house for dinner on Sunday 🤔
Idk if they're just taking a while to make a decision, and I'm trying not to overthink, but this place emailed me this morning and said they'd get back to me this afternoon and they haven't and I probably haven't got this job and I'm trying not to freak out but omg I just want to stop teetering on The Edge of Homelessness and just have it be an Imminent Worry instead. Is it so much to ask to just be employed? I just want to pay my bills and maybe buy a coffee every now and then, I'm not asking for a deposit on a house or even a holiday abroad I just want to pay my rent without skimping out on food for myself. Sorry for the stream of conciousness but it is indicative of how anxious, depressed and stressed I am and I suppose this is an artform in itself but now I'm disgressing because I am still stressing so I'm compartmentalising these fears into rooms of my mind and bricking up the doors so I don't break down.
I just wanna be okay ffs
Seagoon's Movie review.
Ready Player One. "This is the story of an ordinary little boy named Wade Watts. He was not faster, or stronger or more clever than other children. His family was not rich or powerful or well connected. In fact they barely had enough to eat. Yet Wade Watts was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didn't know it yet. "
We posting doggos? Alright then...
no other dogs at the park this morning as I slept in a bit
I'll leave it up for now, unlike Reddit the title can be changed.
Time for bed.
I'm too tired to journal properly tonight. It's been a busy day but I managed to squeeze in a 6k walk and a quick trip to the op shop which landed me a gorgeous full length blue paisly skirt.
Feeling very bleh today. A bit headachy and unable to focus, so study did not get done. I made some changes to the bot so the days should be right, then tried to do a test post and it wouldn't work. Just about had a nervous breakdown before I realised I was not using 24 hour time. I'm going to leave off looking at the pinning issue until my brain can function properly.
Wow it just got crazy dark here in Richmond with some ominous clouds! Makes me wanna sleeeeeep