How come all these "photos" of the moon are always crystal clear, but when I look at the moon at night it's covered in clouds at least half the time?
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I'd love to be able to have the opportunity to see the Earth from the moon like this. The way that the Apollo astronauts described it, it must be a wild feeling
Damn, I just remembered a game "to the moon", it's a fantastic game.
Don't think I've played that one. What's it like?
It's a very emotional game about a team that visits old people before death and uses a machine to fulfill their last wishes in virtual reality. Maybe I don't remember it correctly because I played it a long time ago. There are 3 games and I bought all of them but I never played past the first part because I can't get myself into playing any games at all for some reason.
Sounds interesting, I'll look it up. I have the same problem now to where I can't seen to finish any game before I lose interest, even when I really enjoy a game.