Just a reminder, these donations go to his own charities as a tax deduction.
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If the charity itself is doing proper work, that makes sense tbh. I mean, if you had billions to donate, would you give it to some random ass organisation... Or set up your own thing to do things that you personally agree with?
If the charity itself is doing proper work
I would be utterly shocked if it was.
I'd you want to see how it's done, check out what his Ex-wife did with her money from the divorce
Agreed, and I’m find with the tax deduction if the charity works they do is legit, it’s not like he is paying taxes anyway.
That's... actually a good point.
Honestly, I’d go for the middle option: donate to existing charities that appeal to me. I don’t want to run a charity, it sounds like a massive headache.
You’re probably a different demographic. I’d guess the kind of people that become billionaires, assuming they actually want to be philanthropic, think that they can do a better job of managing their charities than existing charities would do managing their donations.
It’s definitely fair to say I’m in the “extremely unlikely to ever be a millionaire, let alone a billionaire” demographic!
Because of course they do. Thanks for the additional info!
And there it is...
I'm so fucking sick of all these billionaires "pledging" their fortunes. "I promise to donate all my wealth when I die" then fucking do it you cowards, die already.
Was just gonna say its always some vague cause instead of an actual concrete thing they're donating to.
Unless he's donating everything tomorrow, this is all bullshit.
First off he doesn't have 124 billion. He is WORTH 124 billion, the vast majority of it being the worth of his stakes in Amazon. If he sells all his stakes in it, the Amazon worth would plummet and he'd be worth a fraction of what he's worth today.
But lets say he has a 124 billion dollars. If he gives out 10 millions every day it will still take over 300 years. In that time his worth likely would.grow faster than he's spending it so in 300 years he'd still be worth more than he is today.
All this charity stuff is bullshit, TAX THE RICH. Taxes will give honest amounts of money to governments who can then use that money for universal healthcare, universal education, universal income...
...if the governments weren't run by the same rich psychopaths, that is...
governments who can then use that money for universal healthcare
Press X to doubt
No. The government should take it from him as taxes that he avoided. So the people can decide how best to invest it instead of over egomaniac with a history is abusing his people.
The US government? LOL. How much of the taxes goes to fossil fuel and corn subsidies and to the military industrial complex?
The majority of our taxes goes to social programs and healthcare. Military spending is insane, but we have to keep in mind that taxing billionaires will absolutely bring benefits to the common folks.
I agree in principle, but the government would take the money and allocate 99% of it to the military budget rather than do anything useful with it.
"Billionaire pledges" is the same vibe as "hopes and prayers" .
I pledge to not post this comment...whoops, darn, oh well. I tried.
bezos is a cuntasaurus, I'll never forget when Shatner was trying to share his feelings about the genuine experience of going into space, and cuck-lord bezo not only interrupts shatner, he sullies the moment by acting like a sore winner
I've hated bozos since forever, but this right here was unforgivable. Shatner trying to give inspiration after a really being in space, after a lifetime of being an icon? You fucking listen
He should divide all the money on all the people that ever worked for him and give them each a piece.
It's all fucking BS and theatrics, it's easy to promise shit AFTER YOU DIE.
Isn't this the guy who wants to abandon earth and build a stupid sphere thing in space?
I dislike Jeff a much as any other but... that's not really a comeback, now is it?
Nah, it's a reference
Ah, philanthropy. When you really want to fuck shit up, while keeping a clean facade.
Someone make Gates explain all his trips to Eppstein's island already!
Not possible, they, ones that know, all been killed, others blackmailed.
Can he donate like one billion to me first please?
I'm so poor, even a million would help.
Oh I think a million would dramatically change the lives of 99% of the people on the planet.
No, to me
It's as simple as his new wife wanted a foundation, just like his old wife had.
Someone isn't quite self-aware
He just got too much money. He can make all he cares about rich. Buy anything. And still have money left. After he is dead, then giving away to charity will be his legacy. He also get a lot of tax break for this. Now, think about much he is responsible for the climate change by having all these Amazon stores etc.
Well it's his money to do what he wants but I think he'd be better off investing it in some promising new business ventures
Those are some expensive points