From personal experience, be careful if you go on long stretches away from service stations. I almost ran out of petrol because the places my phone pointed me to refill were either abandoned or replaced with something else, or closed etc. This is how I learned Google maps is not that accurate the further away you get from cities. So plan carefully and with a plan B if you wander in desolate areas.
No Stupid Questions
There is no such thing as a Stupid Question!
Don't be embarrassed of your curiosity; everyone has questions that they may feel uncomfortable asking certain people, so this place gives you a nice area not to be judged about asking it. Everyone here is willing to help.
- ex. How do I change oil
- ex. How to tie shoes
- ex. Can you cry underwater?
Reminder that the rules for still apply!
Thanks for reading all of this, even if you didn't read all of this, and your eye started somewhere else, have a watermelon slice ๐.
Do you have a plan for when your car breaks down
I've got road-side assistance and family I could call with cell service (and a battery if the phone was dead), else if I was without service I would have to flag someone down. Anything else I should do?
Get a prepaid flip phone make sure it's charged, bring the charger and put the flip phone both in the glove department on the passenger side. This is so worst case scenario you can't charge your phone at all, you've got something to immediately call for assistance. Put your contacts in before hand though
Iโve seen those types of questions frequently addressed by #VanLife content creators. Maybe look into that. I know that was helpful for the 2 week road trip my wife and I took.