Tik Tok.
Not Tik Toker or Tik Tok Content Producer.
They want to be one with Tik Tok, they want to be Tik Tok. Every generation we are moving closer to the convergence of mankind.
Tik Tok.
Not Tik Toker or Tik Tok Content Producer.
They want to be one with Tik Tok, they want to be Tik Tok. Every generation we are moving closer to the convergence of mankind.
I mean, stand up your own instance of peertube and you kinda can be lol
Basically Evangelion. But instead of cool ass mechs, it's idiot kids doing cringe hand dances.
Closer to complete idiocy.
Ha. The kids are alright.
I mean, let's see.
Honestly, I hate it but it fucking makes sense tho.
EDIT: Also seeing the rest of the list, all other jobs are doing something ilegal or corrupt, and that os worse than TikTok IMO.
I would love to be a professional AirBnB squatter. That sounds awesome.
Paid to permanently travel internationally and stay in AirBnBs for free and harass shitty landlords all over the world. That's the life.
Those numbers don't even try to add up to 100%, so I guess each kid wants multiple things
I think theoretically you could be a tik tok poster/woke moralist/airbnb squatter all at once.
Woke moralist tik tocker is already a multi class isn't it?
no YouTuber?
So 2010s, Tik Tok is the new trend!
but but more money
Why not all of them? Hire as an uber driver, paint wojaks of your guests (while driving, shout: Jesus, take the wheel). Film everything for tiktok, and rob them out at destination. The rest is the stuff you talk about while driving.
Edit: don't forget to steal the keys for your new airbnb squad.
I just hope they don’t take my boomer job as a blahaj puppeteer…. fuckin woke kids
13.65% of kids are really really boring.
They have Train Robber but not Aeroplane Hijacker? Terrible list. That should be number 1 most desirable occupation. I've always wanted to be the next D.B. Cooper.
I've always wanted to be the next D.B. Cooper.
I can point you to a great website for inspiration, it's called I'MDB.com
I didn't choose the crisis actor life. It told me not to come to school.
But what's number 10?!
That's the friends we made on the way.
That is for you to decide :D
Johnny Cash turned out to be a Highwayman, he was doing alright. Way to go kids
What’s a wojak artist? And a crisis actor. And anything else on this list you care to explain. I know what a TikTok is.
Kids dont know anything.. lol
A train robber in 2023? Lol