A Vampire The Masquerade community would be fantastic
Community Meta Discussion
Hey, mod of /r/3d6 over on reddit. I'd love an analogous community over here, if possible.
Make a post there and I'll mod you
Modded, community is transferred to you, and I removed myself from the mod team.
Glad to have you with us =)
Glad to be here! Now to figure out how this platform works.
Gief /rpgcreation plx ty <3
Edit: validation https://old.reddit.com/user/iloveponies/comments/14gz6ay/validation_for_lemmy/
battlemaps, foundryvtt, and roll20 and I am volunteering to mod them as well
Can there be a SoloRPG Community? For users and players of things like Mythic GM Emulator or Ironsworn.
What about a Call of Cthulhu community?
Can there a group for Mythic GM Emulator or call it Word Mill Games since Mythic is made by Word Mill Games.
I just made one called Mythic RPG, since i would feel that's appropriate for their stuff. Can easily be a catch-all i think since their stuff falls under it.
I'll admit I'm about a 3-week veteran of Lemmy right now, and green as green could be, but I'd love to try modding and growing a Delta Green community if that were ok.
Could you create a community for The One Ring RPG?
Could we have one for Kult?
Time for a community where Game Masters of various flavours can ask each other questions and get advice.
Could that be a thing? Can mod.
Some suggestions:
-Harn -StarWarsRPG -DeltaGreen -Shadowdark -DungeonCrawlClassics -Genesys -Battletech -5Parsecs -CyberpunkRPG -DMAcademy -FantasyGrounds -FoundryVTT -Roll20 -BattleMaps -KingArthurPendragon -LFG -StarTrekAdventures -Traveller -WithoutNumber
Edit: I guess this doesn't keep formatting?
If you put four spaces at the endof each line you get a line break without a paragraph break. If you want it directly formated into a list use the asterix *
Was going to suggest that some GENRE communities are better than game-specific communities.
Like including post-apoc rather than one for each of the various games which describe themselves as post-apoc.
Maybe a community for TTRPG recommendations? A way to highlight smaller /newer games would be nice.
Are you volunteering to mod, or do you mean you think I should just make it?
Yeah I can mod it.
Post there and I'll mod you
Modded and transferred community.
How about a specific LFG section?
Post in there and I'll mod you
Modded and transferred community