This is a very unoptimized GIF. Did you know GIFs are limited to at most 256 colors (or 255+transparency) but the palette can be redefined (good export software automatically optimizes it at least according to the first frame)? As such, GIFs that are largely grayscale or sepia can do without dithering and still have smooth colors. (In this one, I would assign 248 colors for the black to white gradient plus 4 shades of red and blue. Or almost halve the file size by limiting the palette to the roughly 16 actually used colors.)
Color palette export
0: #000000
1: #999999
2: #666666
3: #cccccc
4: #669999
5: #996666
6: #336666
7: #99cccc
8: #cc9999
9: #663333
10: #996699
11: #999966
12: #663366
13: #cc99cc
14: #cccc99
15: #666633
16: #9999cc
17: #99cc99
18: #333333
19: #666699
20: #669966
21: #ffcccc
22: #003333
23: #3300cc
24: #ffffff
25: #ff0000
26: #ccffff
27: #330000
28: #333366
29: #336633
30: #333300
31: #330033
32: #ccccff
33: #ccffcc
34: #000099
35: #990000
36: #000033
37: #0033ff
38: #ff3333
39: #0033cc
40: #660000
41: #cc0000
42: #003300
43: #3333cc
44: #3333ff
45: #000066
46: #330099
47: #003399
48: #ff0033
49: #330066
50: #ff3300
51: #0000cc
52: #003366
53: #3366cc
54: #6699cc
55: #9966cc
56: #cc6666
57: #6666cc
58: #336699
59: #6633cc
60: #cc3333
61: #663399
62: #333399
63: #cc6633
64: #993333
65: #ff9999
66: #9999ff
67: #ff9966
68: #cc3366
69: #9966ff
70: #6699ff
71: #3366ff
72: #ff6666
73: #6633ff
74: #6666ff
75: #99ccff
76: #996633
77: #cc99ff
78: #660033
79: #cc0033
80: #ffcc99
81: #ffffcc
82: #ff3366
83: #ff99cc
84: #663300
85: #993300
86: #ffccff
87: transparent
88: #000000
89: #000000
90: #000000
91: #000000
92: #000000
93: #000000
94: #000000
95: #000000
96: #000000
97: #000000
98: #000000
99: #000000
100: #000000
101: #000000
102: #000000
103: #000000
104: #000000
105: #000000
106: #000000
107: #000000
108: #000000
109: #000000
110: #000000
111: #000000
112: #000000
113: #000000
114: #000000
115: #000000
116: #000000
117: #000000
118: #000000
119: #000000
120: #000000
121: #000000
122: #000000
123: #000000
124: #000000
125: #000000
126: #000000
127: #000000
At least the frame delta data is limited to the actually changing rectangle, as it should be.
I would advocate for APNG, WebP or even MP4 but not all browsers play them on a loop by default.