With the price of dimensional lumber being so high, it can be difficult building hive bodies for less than you can buy them for commercially. I've considered using 2X lumber in the past, but that would make Langstroth hives very large and heavy. A 5 frame nuc might be doable, but in my opinion too imbalanced once you get too many supers. A Warré hive, however, fits the bill quite nicely! I've built three hive bodies from two 8 foot 2X10 boards and enough half-frames for each out of scrap 2X lumber for less than the cost of one langstroth deep without frames. With a few jigs to help cut and build the frames, really it's not that much more time intensive either in my opinion. Still need to build a cover for it, which I'll likely depart from Warré's designs on that front and stick with a more typical telescoping cover design.