Damn the rimjob devil just dropped, hyped for the YamahaxDenis hot steamy sexy sex 20 pages chapter.
Chainsaw Man
General place for discussion about the Chainsaw Man Manga and Anime.
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Dennis and Yamaha not beating the gay allegations
I thought it was hilarious on my first reading as well, thinking it was just a sarcastic joke like his line about wanting to bring Asa’s ass back with him… but the more I think about it the more I’m getting the impression that it’s something he’s been forced to do before.
This is as desperate as he’s looked since chapter 1.
Can’t believe I thought we were gonna get some kinda breather. The status quo is changing at International Assassins speed. Having a bit of trouble with the timing of everything. It seems like Asa is just waking up an hour or two after the incident but Denji states that he fell asleep in class, implying a bit of a disconnect. What happened between the last 2 panels in the previous chapter?
Asa’s having the chicken dream again. I wonder what it means. Beyond symbolically being about her own guilt of course. It was placed here to get us thinking about it.
Mysterious arm person sounds like the Justice Devil. Still doesn’t seem like Fakesaw’s motives align with any character we’ve seen who could be him. Whoever Yoshida’s organization is there clearly no one to be fucked with. I’m still not clear on him either. He’s giving off evil vibes but he’s yet to really do anything that’s clearly evil. It’s not like every one of Denji’s other allies has tried to and/or temporarily succeeding in killing him. I don’t quite see him as a big bad yet.
I… how and why was Denji’s first thought to offer to rim Yoshida in exchange for safety?
Yeah the story progressed like crazy when we didn't expect it. My guess is that Asas POV is from a bit after the incident, everything else happens a day or two after. If Asa was asleep for two days she wouldn't have woken up on a couch but in a hospital bed.
That arm could belong to the Justice Devil, or some other Devil we don't know of so far. Might also be Fakesaw Man because of the way we only saw arms. It gives me a similar vibe. Wouldn't fit together with Fakesaw saving Asa and Denji from Famis Caterpillar Devil tho.
I completely agree with your take on Yoshida, he seems evil, but not that evil yet. He still has some good motive but who knows. This chapter gave us so many more questions that need to be answered haha
Leaning more towards the evil side of the fence with respect to Yoshida vibes. Panels in previous chapters have shown some level of animosity between Yoshida and Fami. If we believe that Fami wants to prevent the end of the world then that puts Yoshida on the wrong side. He may not be truly evil but I think he has less than altruistic.
The most pressing question being: when Yoshida said “not while you’re under our protection, anyway” was he referring to hurting Nayuta and the dogs or the “no tonguing necessary” part?