Resist: It's Time
We are still in this together, but "this" is going to be real different in the very near future. This demands a different kind of "we."
The French Resistance during Nazi occupation played important roles delivering downed Allied airmen back to safety, supplying military intelligence, and acts of sabotage.
The Underground Railroad is estimated to have brought 100,000 freedom seekers to safety between 1810 and 1850.
It's time.
- Do not gatekeep resistance
- Do not organize specific subversive plans here.
- Do not identify yourself or anyone else here.
- Do brainstorm general ideas about how to support people who need it and stymie the efforts of fascists
- Do share thoughts on how to be personally prepared for subversive action
Can someone please tranacribe the sign for blind folks?
The photograph doesn't show the front of the sign, so we don't see what it says. I'll try describing the image:
The image in the post here is a screenshot of a social media post with a caption that says "when you participate in a peaceful protest, but are prepared for the alternative." Underneath the caption is a photo taken from behind of a person at a protest who is holding a sign. We only see the plain white back of the sign, but we can see that the stick they used to hold up the sign is a baseball bat taped to the back of it.
every protest is a show of force. this is how many people you will have to deal with, minimum, if you don't take it seriously.
a protest without threat of escalation is no protest at all.
So many sportball options. Hockey. Golf. Lacrosse. Tennis. Target shooting. Cricket. Billiards. Skiing.
It's almost as if a huge number of sports evolved from military training...
We could keep going; pankration, hoplidromos...
There's a whole section of the Aeneid that talks about their impromptu sporting matches (the description of the boxing gauntlets is particularly spicy).
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has multiple instances where generals arrange for games among their troops.
… javelin, pole vault, darts…
Fencing, skeet, caber toss...
A sign on a whole tree trunk would be both the least and most threatening sign of the lot.