This ia the kind of post I'm missing most after leaving reddit!
This ia the kind of post I'm missing most after leaving reddit!
Very interesting, thx for sharing, & I'm glad that you succeeded.
To remove the 'ribbon' from the typewriter equation, I've switched to a... thermal typewriter. It's obviously not the same type of machine at all but it does the trick and somehow it's still ok to use. Huge bonus: it's almost dead silent, something my spouse appreciate a lot. No idea why 8)
Only issue is that thermal prints fade over time.
Has not yet happened but since I use it for drafting it would not be an issue for me.
I just scanned this from "inks for the minor printing processes and specialised applications" by E. A. Apps if it's helpful.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any PDF copies of it anywhere.
This is very interesting, I did not consider heating the oil. That way I may not need to use a thinning agent.