and potentially their brand sponsors
Well, there it is. In-game ads in the form of "user-generated content", from the sound of it. Also has paid mod vibes.
Hope I'm wrong and it's actually great.
For PC gaming news and discussion. PCGamingWiki
and potentially their brand sponsors
Well, there it is. In-game ads in the form of "user-generated content", from the sound of it. Also has paid mod vibes.
Hope I'm wrong and it's actually great.
Makes sense, considering what people have been doing with it like with Fivem. Players did more to extend the life of GTAV (and IV) than Rockstar.
GTA V Online already are those in a way, no? I can't blame them for leaning into it. I'm not interested anyway.
Basically. Though official scripting support is what turned Roblox from a social lego game to one of the largest videogames on earth. In my own time on roblox, the biggest thing was cloud persistence for the scripting API that allowed people to make studio-level games.
Modding on GTA is still technically unsupported and unofficial. You really have a restricted sandbox for anything that R* will accept on their servers.
GTA is more like a secondlife or club penguin than it is a roblox atm.
EDIT: so modding is going towards an "official" capacity apparently. That'll be what turns GTA from clun penguin to Roblox, proverbially.
it's not too late to cancel gta6.
There's only one GTA game for me: gtados.bat
Basically GTA VI is Rockstar trying to monetize FiveM and so on? How they expect to work until the game is released on PC?
They will monetize GTVI like GTAV, they will double/triple dip with exlusivity on both hardware (console) and PC launcher (Epic): customers wallet voted for this to the bone.
I was going to be mildly upset I couldn't play multiplayer If I pirate it. Now I'm dodging a bullet.
I thought this franchise was dead, the last game came out on the 360
GTA online apparently made them a crazy amount of money so it's going to be more of that type of game for a long time.
they are always released first as a console exclusive and then the PC version comes out later. they make more money that way because of contracts and capitalism. every single game they have made so far has been extremely good