gas is a commodity, it's price is based on opec oil production, whether we get oil from them or not, along with global demand, the seasons and severity of winters around the world, political bullshit on the other side of the world, and corporate greed.
if you want to lay blame on high prices in the u.s., blame yourselves first for your addiction to large, gas-guzzling vehicles (among other things)... then blame the oil companies, who produce more now than ever before and choose to export at higher prices than they can sell domestically (the u.s. actually exports more than we import).
egg prices have been affected by infected farms and loss of production, and compounded by corporate greed eyeballing opportunities to artificially inflate, and hold high, prices; and they'd rather write-off a culling than spend a dime on preventive measures such as lower density farms or vaccinations (you know how well that would play out with our far-right dominated media these days).
neither can really be controlled by congress or the president. neither is the democrat's fault. neither is biden or harris' fault.